Cantera  3.2.0a1
No Matches
DenseMatrix.h File Reference

Headers for the DenseMatrix object, which deals with dense rectangular matrices and description of the numerics groupings of objects (see Numerical Utilities and DenseMatrix ) . More...

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Detailed Description

Headers for the DenseMatrix object, which deals with dense rectangular matrices and description of the numerics groupings of objects (see Numerical Utilities and DenseMatrix ) .

Definition in file DenseMatrix.h.

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class  DenseMatrix
 A class for full (non-sparse) matrices with Fortran-compatible data storage, which adds matrix operations to class Array2D. More...


namespace  Cantera
 Namespace for the Cantera kernel.


int solve (DenseMatrix &A, double *b, size_t nrhs=1, size_t ldb=0)
 Solve Ax = b. Array b is overwritten on exit with x.
int solve (DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &b)
 Solve Ax = b for multiple right-hand-side vectors.
void multiply (const DenseMatrix &A, const double *const b, double *const prod)
 Multiply A*b and return the result in prod. Uses BLAS routine DGEMV.
void increment (const DenseMatrix &A, const double *const b, double *const prod)
 Multiply A*b and add it to the result in prod. Uses BLAS routine DGEMV.
int invert (DenseMatrix &A, size_t nn=npos)
 invert A. A is overwritten with A^-1.