Cantera  3.1.0a1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //! @file Func1.cpp
3 // This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
4 // at for license and copyright information.
7 #include "cantera/base/global.h"
11 using namespace std;
13 namespace Cantera
14 {
16 string Func1::typeName() const
17 {
18  return demangle(typeid(*this));
19 }
21 // Calls method eval to evaluate the function
22 double Func1::operator()(double t) const
23 {
24  return eval(t);
25 }
27 // Evaluate the function.
28 double Func1::eval(double t) const
29 {
30  return 0.0;
31 }
33 shared_ptr<Func1> Func1::derivative() const
34 {
35  throw CanteraError("Func1::derivative",
36  "Needs to be overloaded by Func1 specialization.");
37 }
39 bool Func1::isIdentical(Func1& other) const
40 {
41  if (type() != other.type() || m_c != other.m_c) {
42  return false;
43  }
44  if (m_f1) {
45  if (!other.m_f1) {
46  return false;
47  }
48  if (!m_f1->isIdentical(*other.m_f1)) {
49  return false;
50  }
51  }
52  if (m_f2) {
53  if (!other.m_f2) {
54  return false;
55  }
56  if (!m_f2->isIdentical(*other.m_f2)) {
57  return false;
58  }
59  }
60  return true;
61 }
63 //! accessor function for the returned constant
64 double Func1::c() const
65 {
66  return m_c;
67 }
69 int Func1::order() const
70 {
71  return 3;
72 }
74 /*****************************************************************************/
76 Sin1::Sin1(const vector<double>& params)
77 {
78  if (params.size() != 1) {
79  throw CanteraError("Sin1::Sin1",
80  "Constructor needs exactly one parameter (frequency).");
81  }
82  m_c = params[0];
83 }
85 string Sin1::write(const string& arg) const
86 {
87  if (m_c == 1.0) {
88  return fmt::format("\\sin({})", arg);
89  } else {
90  return fmt::format("\\sin({}{})", m_c, arg);
91  }
92 }
94 shared_ptr<Func1> Sin1::derivative() const
95 {
96  auto c = make_shared<Cos1>(m_c);
97  return newTimesConstFunction(c, m_c);
98 }
100 /*****************************************************************************/
102 Cos1::Cos1(const vector<double>& params)
103 {
104  if (params.size() != 1) {
105  throw CanteraError("Cos1::Cos1",
106  "Constructor needs exactly one parameter (frequency).");
107  }
108  m_c = params[0];
109 }
111 shared_ptr<Func1> Cos1::derivative() const
112 {
113  auto s = make_shared<Sin1>(m_c);
114  return newTimesConstFunction(s, -m_c);
115 }
117 string Cos1::write(const string& arg) const
118 {
119  if (m_c == 1.0) {
120  return fmt::format("\\cos({})", arg);
121  } else {
122  return fmt::format("\\cos({}{})", m_c, arg);
123  }
124 }
126 /**************************************************************************/
128 Exp1::Exp1(const vector<double>& params)
129 {
130  if (params.size() != 1) {
131  throw CanteraError("Exp1::Exp1",
132  "Constructor needs exactly one parameter (exponent factor).");
133  }
134  m_c = params[0];
135 }
137 shared_ptr<Func1> Exp1::derivative() const
138 {
139  auto f = make_shared<Exp1>(m_c);
140  if (m_c != 1.0) {
141  return newTimesConstFunction(f, m_c);
142  }
143  return f;
144 }
146 string Exp1::write(const string& arg) const
147 {
148  if (m_c == 1.0) {
149  return fmt::format("\\exp({})", arg);
150  } else {
151  return fmt::format("\\exp({}{})", m_c, arg);
152  }
153 }
155 Log1::Log1(const vector<double>& params)
156 {
157  if (params.size() != 1) {
158  throw CanteraError("Log1::Log1",
159  "Constructor needs exactly one parameter (factor).");
160  }
161  m_c = params[0];
162 }
164 shared_ptr<Func1> Log1::derivative() const
165 {
166  auto f = make_shared<Pow1>(-1.);
167  if (m_c != 1.0) {
168  return newTimesConstFunction(f, m_c);
169  }
170  return f;
171 }
173 string Log1::write(const string& arg) const
174 {
175  if (m_c == 1.0) {
176  return fmt::format("\\log({})", arg);
177  }
178  return fmt::format("\\log({}{})", m_c, arg);
179 }
181 /******************************************************************************/
183 Pow1::Pow1(const vector<double>& params)
184 {
185  if (params.size() != 1) {
186  throw CanteraError("Pow1::Pow1",
187  "Constructor needs exactly one parameter (exponent).");
188  }
189  m_c = params[0];
190 }
192 shared_ptr<Func1> Pow1::derivative() const
193 {
194  if (m_c == 0.0) {
195  return make_shared<Const1>(0.0);
196  }
197  if (m_c == 1.0) {
198  return make_shared<Const1>(1.0);
199  }
200  auto f = make_shared<Pow1>(m_c - 1.);
201  return newTimesConstFunction(f, m_c);
202 }
204 /******************************************************************************/
206 Const1::Const1(const vector<double>& params)
207 {
208  if (params.size() != 1) {
209  throw CanteraError("Const1::Const1",
210  "Constructor needs exactly one parameter (constant).");
211  }
212  m_c = params[0];
213 }
215 Poly1::Poly1(const vector<double>& params)
216 {
217  if (params.size() == 0) {
218  throw CanteraError("Poly1::Poly1",
219  "Constructor needs an array that is not empty.");
220  }
221  size_t n = params.size() - 1;
222  m_cpoly.resize(n + 1);
223  copy(, + m_cpoly.size(), m_cpoly.begin());
224 }
226 Fourier1::Fourier1(const vector<double>& params)
227 {
228  if (params.size() < 4) {
229  throw CanteraError("Fourier1::Fourier1",
230  "Constructor needs an array with at least 4 entries.");
231  }
232  if (params.size() % 2 != 0) {
233  throw CanteraError("Fourier1::Fourier1",
234  "Constructor needs an array with an even number of entries.");
235  }
236  size_t n = params.size() / 2 - 1;
237  m_omega = params[n + 1];
238  m_a0_2 = 0.5 * params[0];
239  m_ccos.resize(n);
240  m_csin.resize(n);
241  copy( + 1, + n + 1, m_ccos.begin());
242  copy( + n + 2, + 2 * n + 2, m_csin.begin());
243 }
245 Gaussian1::Gaussian1(const vector<double>& params)
246 {
247  if (params.size() != 3) {
248  throw CanteraError("Gaussian1::Gaussian1",
249  "Constructor needs exactly 3 parameters (amplitude, center, width).");
250  }
251  m_A = params[0];
252  m_t0 = params[1];
253  m_tau = params[2] / (2. * sqrt(log(2.)));
254 }
256 Arrhenius1::Arrhenius1(const vector<double>& params)
257 {
258  if (params.size() < 3) {
259  throw CanteraError("Arrhenius1::Arrhenius1",
260  "Constructor needs an array with at least 3 entries.");
261  }
262  if (params.size() % 3 != 0) {
263  throw CanteraError("Arrhenius1::Arrhenius1",
264  "Constructor needs an array with multiples of 3 entries.");
265  }
266  size_t n = params.size() / 3;
267  m_A.resize(n);
268  m_b.resize(n);
269  m_E.resize(n);
270  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
271  size_t loc = 3 * i;
272  m_A[i] = params[loc];
273  m_b[i] = params[loc + 1];
274  m_E[i] = params[loc + 2];
275  }
276 }
278 Tabulated1::Tabulated1(size_t n, const double* tvals, const double* fvals,
279  const string& method)
280 {
281  m_tvec.resize(n);
282  std::copy(tvals, tvals + n, m_tvec.begin());
283  for (auto it = std::begin(m_tvec) + 1; it != std::end(m_tvec); it++) {
284  if (*(it - 1) > *it) {
285  throw CanteraError("Tabulated1::Tabulated1",
286  "time values are not increasing monotonically.");
287  }
288  }
289  m_fvec.resize(n);
290  std::copy(fvals, fvals + n, m_fvec.begin());
291  setMethod(method);
292 }
294 Tabulated1::Tabulated1(const vector<double>& params) : m_isLinear(true)
295 {
296  if (params.size() < 4) {
297  throw CanteraError("Tabulated1::Tabulated1",
298  "Constructor needs an array with at least 4 entries.");
299  }
300  if (params.size() % 2 != 0) {
301  throw CanteraError("Tabulated1::Tabulated1",
302  "Constructor needs an array with an even number of entries.");
303  }
304  size_t n = params.size() / 2;
305  m_tvec.resize(n);
306  copy(, + n, m_tvec.begin());
307  for (auto it = std::begin(m_tvec) + 1; it != std::end(m_tvec); it++) {
308  if (*(it - 1) > *it) {
309  throw CanteraError("Tabulated1::Tabulated1",
310  "Time values are not monotonically increasing.");
311  }
312  }
313  m_fvec.resize(n);
314  copy( + n, + 2 * n, m_fvec.begin());
315 }
317 void Tabulated1::setMethod(const string& method)
318 {
319  if (method == "linear") {
320  m_isLinear = true;
321  } else if (method == "previous") {
322  m_isLinear = false;
323  } else {
324  throw NotImplementedError("Tabulated1::setMethod",
325  "Interpolation method '{}' is not implemented.", method);
326  }
327 }
329 double Tabulated1::eval(double t) const {
330  size_t siz = m_tvec.size();
331  // constructor ensures that siz > 0
332  if (t <= m_tvec[0]) {
333  return m_fvec[0];
334  } else if (t >= m_tvec[siz-1]) {
335  return m_fvec[siz-1];
336  } else {
337  size_t ix = 0;
338  while (t > m_tvec[ix+1]) {
339  ix++;
340  }
341  if (m_isLinear) {
342  double df = m_fvec[ix+1] - m_fvec[ix];
343  df /= m_tvec[ix+1] - m_tvec[ix];
344  df *= t - m_tvec[ix];
345  return m_fvec[ix] + df;
346  } else {
347  return m_fvec[ix];
348  }
349  }
350 }
352 shared_ptr<Func1> Tabulated1::derivative() const {
353  vector<double> tvec;
354  vector<double> dvec;
355  size_t siz = m_tvec.size();
356  if (m_isLinear) {
357  // piece-wise continuous derivative
358  if (siz>1) {
359  for (size_t i=1; i<siz; i++) {
360  double d = (m_fvec[i] - m_fvec[i-1]) /
361  (m_tvec[i] - m_tvec[i-1]);
362  tvec.push_back(m_tvec[i-1]);
363  dvec.push_back(d);
364  }
365  }
366  tvec.push_back(m_tvec[siz-1]);
367  dvec.push_back(0.);
368  } else {
369  // derivative is zero (ignoring discontinuities)
370  tvec.push_back(m_tvec[0]);
371  tvec.push_back(m_tvec[siz-1]);
372  dvec.push_back(0.);
373  dvec.push_back(0.);
374  }
375  return make_shared<Tabulated1>(tvec.size(), &tvec[0], &dvec[0], "previous");
376 }
378 /******************************************************************************/
380 string Func1::write(const string& arg) const
381 {
382  return fmt::format("\\mathrm{{{}}}({})", type(), arg);
383 }
385 string Pow1::write(const string& arg) const
386 {
387  if (m_c == 0.5) {
388  return "\\sqrt{" + arg + "}";
389  }
390  if (m_c == -0.5) {
391  return "\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{" + arg + "}}";
392  }
393  if (m_c != 1.0) {
394  return fmt::format("\\left({}\\right)^{{{}}}", arg, m_c);
395  } else {
396  return arg;
397  }
398 }
400 string Tabulated1::write(const string& arg) const
401 {
402  return fmt::format("\\mathrm{{Tabulated}}({})", arg);
403 }
405 string Const1::write(const string& arg) const
406 {
407  return fmt::format("{}", m_c);
408 }
410 string Ratio1::write(const string& arg) const
411 {
412  return "\\frac{" + m_f1->write(arg) + "}{"
413  + m_f2->write(arg) + "}";
414 }
416 shared_ptr<Func1> Ratio1::derivative() const {
417  auto a1 = newProdFunction(m_f1_shared->derivative(), m_f2_shared);
418  auto a2 = newProdFunction(m_f1_shared, m_f2_shared->derivative());
419  auto s = newDiffFunction(a1, a2);
420  auto p = newProdFunction(m_f2_shared, m_f2_shared);
421  return newRatioFunction(s, p);
422 }
424 string Product1::write(const string& arg) const
425 {
426  string s = m_f1->write(arg);
427  if (m_f1->order() < order()) {
428  s = "\\left(" + s + "\\right)";
429  }
430  string s2 = m_f2->write(arg);
431  if (m_f2->order() < order()) {
432  s2 = "\\left(" + s2 + "\\right)";
433  }
434  return s + " " + s2;
435 }
437 shared_ptr<Func1> Product1::derivative() const {
438  auto a1 = newProdFunction(m_f1_shared, m_f2_shared->derivative());
439  auto a2 = newProdFunction(m_f2_shared, m_f1_shared->derivative());
440  return newSumFunction(a1, a2);
441 }
443 string Sum1::write(const string& arg) const
444 {
445  string s1 = m_f1->write(arg);
446  string s2 = m_f2->write(arg);
447  if (s2[0] == '-') {
448  return s1 + " - " + s2.substr(1,s2.size());
449  } else {
450  return s1 + " + " + s2;
451  }
452 }
454 string Diff1::write(const string& arg) const
455 {
456  string s1 = m_f1->write(arg);
457  string s2 = m_f2->write(arg);
458  if (s2[0] == '-') {
459  return s1 + " + " + s2.substr(1,s2.size());
460  } else {
461  return s1 + " - " + s2;
462  }
463 }
465 string Composite1::write(const string& arg) const
466 {
467  string g = m_f2->write(arg);
468  return m_f1->write(g);
469 }
471 shared_ptr<Func1> Composite1::derivative() const {
472  auto d1 = m_f1_shared->derivative();
473  auto d2 = m_f2_shared->derivative();
474  auto d3 = newCompositeFunction(d1, m_f2_shared);
475  return newProdFunction(d3, d2);
476 }
478 string TimesConstant1::write(const string& arg) const
479 {
480  string s = m_f1->write(arg);
481  if (m_f1->order() < order()) {
482  s = "\\left(" + s + "\\right)";
483  }
484  if (m_c == 1.0) {
485  return s;
486  }
487  if (m_c == -1.0) {
488  return "-"+s;
489  }
490  char n = s[0];
491  if (n >= '0' && n <= '9') {
492  s = "\\left(" + s + "\\right)";
493  }
494  return fmt::format("{}{}", m_c, s);
495 }
497 string PlusConstant1::write(const string& arg) const
498 {
499  if (m_c == 0.0) {
500  return m_f1->write(arg);
501  }
502  return fmt::format("{} + {}", m_f1->write(arg), m_c);
503 }
506 double Func1::isProportional(TimesConstant1& other)
507 {
508  if (isIdentical(*other.func1_shared())) {
509  return other.c();
510  }
511  return 0.0;
512 }
513 double Func1::isProportional(Func1& other)
514 {
515  if (isIdentical(other)) {
516  return 1.0;
517  } else {
518  return 0.0;
519  }
520 }
522 namespace { // restrict scope of helper functions to local translation unit
524 bool isConstant(const shared_ptr<Func1>& f)
525 {
526  return f->type() == "constant";
527 }
529 bool isZero(const shared_ptr<Func1>& f)
530 {
531  return f->type() == "constant" && f->c() == 0.0;
532 }
534 bool isOne(const shared_ptr<Func1>& f)
535 {
536  return f->type() == "constant" && f->c() == 1.0;
537 }
539 bool isTimesConst(const shared_ptr<Func1>& f)
540 {
541  return f->type() == "times-constant";
542 }
544 bool isExp(const shared_ptr<Func1>& f)
545 {
546  return f->type() == "exp";
547 }
549 bool isPow(const shared_ptr<Func1>& f)
550 {
551  return f->type() == "pow";
552 }
554 } // end unnamed namespace
556 shared_ptr<Func1> newSumFunction(shared_ptr<Func1> f1, shared_ptr<Func1> f2)
557 {
558  if (f1->isIdentical(*f2)) {
559  return newTimesConstFunction(f1, 2.);
560  }
561  if (isZero(f1)) {
562  return f2;
563  }
564  if (isZero(f2)) {
565  return f1;
566  }
567  double c = f1->isProportional(*f2);
568  if (c != 0.) {
569  if (c == -1.) {
570  return make_shared<Const1>(0.);
571  }
572  return newTimesConstFunction(f1, c + 1.);
573  }
574  return make_shared<Sum1>(f1, f2);
575 }
577 shared_ptr<Func1> newDiffFunction(shared_ptr<Func1> f1, shared_ptr<Func1> f2)
578 {
579  if (isZero(f2)) {
580  return f1;
581  }
582  if (isZero(f1)) {
583  return newTimesConstFunction(f2, -1.);
584  }
586  if (f1->isIdentical(*f2)) {
587  return make_shared<Const1>(0.);
588  }
589  double c = f1->isProportional(*f2);
590  if (c != 0.) {
591  if (c == 1.0) {
592  return make_shared<Const1>(0.);
593  } else {
594  return newTimesConstFunction(f1, 1. - c);
595  }
596  }
597  return make_shared<Diff1>(f1, f2);
598 }
600 shared_ptr<Func1> newProdFunction(shared_ptr<Func1> f1, shared_ptr<Func1> f2)
601 {
602  if (isOne(f1)) {
603  return f2;
604  }
605  if (isOne(f2)) {
606  return f1;
607  }
608  if (isZero(f1) || isZero(f2)) {
609  return make_shared<Const1>(0.);
610  }
611  if (isConstant(f1) && isConstant(f2)) {
612  return make_shared<Const1>(f1->c() * f2->c());
613  }
614  if (isConstant(f1)) {
615  return newTimesConstFunction(f2, f1->c());
616  }
617  if (isConstant(f2)) {
618  return newTimesConstFunction(f1, f2->c());
619  }
620  if (isPow(f1) && isPow(f2)) {
621  return make_shared<Pow1>(f1->c() + f2->c());
622  }
623  if (isExp(f1) && isExp(f2)) {
624  return make_shared<Exp1>(f1->c() + f2->c());
625  }
627  bool tc1 = isTimesConst(f1);
628  bool tc2 = isTimesConst(f2);
630  if (tc1 || tc2) {
631  double c1 = 1.0;
632  auto ff1 = f1;
633  if (tc1) {
634  c1 = f1->c();
635  ff1 = f1->func1_shared();
636  }
637  double c2 = 1.0;
638  auto ff2 = f2;
639  if (tc2) {
640  c2 = f2->c();
641  ff2 = f2->func1_shared();
642  }
643  auto p = newProdFunction(ff1, ff2);
645  if (c1 * c2 != 1.0) {
646  return newTimesConstFunction(p, c1 * c2);
647  }
648  return p;
649  }
650  return make_shared<Product1>(f1, f2);
651 }
653 shared_ptr<Func1> newRatioFunction(shared_ptr<Func1> f1, shared_ptr<Func1> f2)
654 {
655  if (isOne(f2)) {
656  return f1;
657  }
658  if (isZero(f1)) {
659  return make_shared<Const1>(0.);
660  }
661  if (f1->isIdentical(*f2)) {
662  return make_shared<Const1>(1.);
663  }
664  if (isPow(f1) && isPow(f2)) {
665  return make_shared<Pow1>(f1->c() - f2->c());
666  }
667  if (isExp(f1) && isExp(f2)) {
668  return make_shared<Exp1>(f1->c() - f2->c());
669  }
670  return make_shared<Ratio1>(f1, f2);
671 }
673 shared_ptr<Func1> newCompositeFunction(shared_ptr<Func1> f1, shared_ptr<Func1> f2)
674 {
675  if (isZero(f1)) {
676  return make_shared<Const1>(0.0);
677  }
678  if (isConstant(f1)) {
679  return f1;
680  }
681  if (isPow(f1) && f1->c() == 1.0) {
682  return f2;
683  }
684  if (isPow(f1) && f1->c() == 0.0) {
685  return make_shared<Const1>(1.);
686  }
687  if (isPow(f1) && isPow(f2)) {
688  return make_shared<Pow1>(f1->c() * f2->c());
689  }
690  return make_shared<Composite1>(f1, f2);
691 }
693 shared_ptr<Func1> newTimesConstFunction(shared_ptr<Func1> f, double c)
694 {
695  if (c == 0.0) {
696  return make_shared<Const1>(0.0);
697  }
698  if (c == 1.0) {
699  return f;
700  }
701  if (f->type() == "times-constant") {
702  return make_shared<TimesConstant1>(f->func1_shared(), f->c() * c);
703  }
704  return make_shared<TimesConstant1>(f, c);
705 }
707 shared_ptr<Func1> newPlusConstFunction(shared_ptr<Func1> f, double c)
708 {
709  if (c == 0.0) {
710  return f;
711  }
712  if (isConstant(f)) {
713  return make_shared<Const1>(f->c() + c);
714  }
715  if (f->type() == "plus-constant") {
716  return make_shared<PlusConstant1>(f->func1_shared(), f->c() + c);
717  }
718  return make_shared<PlusConstant1>(f, c);
719 }
721 }
Base class for exceptions thrown by Cantera classes.
Definition: ctexceptions.h:66
shared_ptr< Func1 > derivative() const override
Creates a derivative to the current function.
Definition: Func1.cpp:471
string write(const string &arg) const override
Write LaTeX string describing function.
Definition: Func1.cpp:465
string write(const string &arg) const override
Write LaTeX string describing function.
Definition: Func1.cpp:405
string write(const string &arg) const override
Write LaTeX string describing function.
Definition: Func1.cpp:454
Base class for 'functor' classes that evaluate a function of one variable.
Definition: Func1.h:75
virtual string type() const
Returns a string describing the type of the function.
Definition: Func1.h:97
virtual string write(const string &arg) const
Write LaTeX string describing function.
Definition: Func1.cpp:380
virtual int order() const
Return the order of the function, if it makes sense.
Definition: Func1.cpp:69
bool isIdentical(Func1 &other) const
Routine to determine if two functions are the same.
Definition: Func1.cpp:39
shared_ptr< Func1 > func1_shared() const
Accessor function for m_f1_shared.
Definition: Func1.h:146
double c() const
Accessor function for the stored constant.
Definition: Func1.cpp:64
An error indicating that an unimplemented function has been called.
Definition: ctexceptions.h:195
string write(const string &arg) const override
Write LaTeX string describing function.
Definition: Func1.cpp:497
string write(const string &arg) const override
Write LaTeX string describing function.
Definition: Func1.cpp:385
shared_ptr< Func1 > derivative() const override
Creates a derivative to the current function.
Definition: Func1.cpp:437
int order() const override
Return the order of the function, if it makes sense.
Definition: Func1.h:557
string write(const string &arg) const override
Write LaTeX string describing function.
Definition: Func1.cpp:424
shared_ptr< Func1 > derivative() const override
Creates a derivative to the current function.
Definition: Func1.cpp:416
string write(const string &arg) const override
Write LaTeX string describing function.
Definition: Func1.cpp:410
string write(const string &arg) const override
Write LaTeX string describing function.
Definition: Func1.cpp:443
double eval(double t) const override
Evaluate the function.
Definition: Func1.cpp:329
shared_ptr< Func1 > derivative() const override
Creates a derivative to the current function.
Definition: Func1.cpp:352
string write(const string &arg) const override
Write LaTeX string describing function.
Definition: Func1.cpp:400
void setMethod(const string &method)
Set the interpolation method.
Definition: Func1.cpp:317
vector< double > m_tvec
Vector of time values.
Definition: Func1.h:391
bool m_isLinear
Boolean indicating interpolation method.
Definition: Func1.h:393
vector< double > m_fvec
Vector of function values.
Definition: Func1.h:392
Implements the product of a function and a constant.
Definition: Func1.h:570
int order() const override
Return the order of the function, if it makes sense.
Definition: Func1.h:615
string write(const string &arg) const override
Write LaTeX string describing function.
Definition: Func1.cpp:478
Definitions for the classes that are thrown when Cantera experiences an error condition (also contain...
This file contains definitions for utility functions and text for modules, inputfiles and logging,...
shared_ptr< Func1 > newCompositeFunction(shared_ptr< Func1 > f1, shared_ptr< Func1 > f2)
Composite of two functions.
Definition: Func1.cpp:673
shared_ptr< Func1 > newProdFunction(shared_ptr< Func1 > f1, shared_ptr< Func1 > f2)
Product of two functions.
Definition: Func1.cpp:600
shared_ptr< Func1 > newDiffFunction(shared_ptr< Func1 > f1, shared_ptr< Func1 > f2)
Difference of two functions.
Definition: Func1.cpp:577
shared_ptr< Func1 > newTimesConstFunction(shared_ptr< Func1 > f, double c)
Product of function and constant.
Definition: Func1.cpp:693
shared_ptr< Func1 > newSumFunction(shared_ptr< Func1 > f1, shared_ptr< Func1 > f2)
Sum of two functions.
Definition: Func1.cpp:556
shared_ptr< Func1 > newRatioFunction(shared_ptr< Func1 > f1, shared_ptr< Func1 > f2)
Ratio of two functions.
Definition: Func1.cpp:653
shared_ptr< Func1 > newPlusConstFunction(shared_ptr< Func1 > f, double c)
Sum of function and constant.
Definition: Func1.cpp:707
string demangle(const std::type_info &type)
Convert a type name to a human readable string, using boost::core::demangle if available.
Definition: global.cpp:213
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:564
Contains declarations for string manipulation functions within Cantera.