Cantera  3.1.0a1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //! @file ReactorNet.cpp
3 // This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
4 // at for license and copyright information.
8 #include "cantera/zeroD/Wall.h"
10 #include "cantera/base/Array.h"
14 #include <cstdio>
16 namespace Cantera
17 {
19 ReactorNet::ReactorNet()
20 {
21  suppressErrors(true);
22 }
24 ReactorNet::~ReactorNet()
25 {
26 }
28 void ReactorNet::setInitialTime(double time)
29 {
30  m_time = time;
32  m_integrator_init = false;
33 }
35 void ReactorNet::setMaxTimeStep(double maxstep)
36 {
37  m_maxstep = maxstep;
39 }
42 {
44 }
46 void ReactorNet::setTolerances(double rtol, double atol)
47 {
48  if (rtol >= 0.0) {
49  m_rtol = rtol;
50  }
51  if (atol >= 0.0) {
52  m_atols = atol;
53  }
54  m_init = false;
55 }
57 void ReactorNet::setSensitivityTolerances(double rtol, double atol)
58 {
59  if (rtol >= 0.0) {
60  m_rtolsens = rtol;
61  }
62  if (atol >= 0.0) {
63  m_atolsens = atol;
64  }
65  m_init = false;
66 }
68 double ReactorNet::time() {
69  if (m_timeIsIndependent) {
70  return m_time;
71  } else {
72  throw CanteraError("ReactorNet::time", "Time is not the independent variable"
73  " for this reactor network.");
74  }
75 }
78  if (!m_timeIsIndependent) {
79  return m_time;
80  } else {
81  throw CanteraError("ReactorNet::distance", "Distance is not the independent"
82  " variable for this reactor network.");
83  }
84 }
87 {
88  m_nv = 0;
89  debuglog("Initializing reactor network.\n", m_verbose);
90  if (m_reactors.empty()) {
91  throw CanteraError("ReactorNet::initialize",
92  "no reactors in network!");
93  }
94  m_start.assign(1, 0);
95  for (size_t n = 0; n < m_reactors.size(); n++) {
96  Reactor& r = *m_reactors[n];
97  r.initialize(m_time);
98  size_t nv = r.neq();
99  m_nv += nv;
100  m_start.push_back(m_nv);
102  if (m_verbose) {
103  writelog("Reactor {:d}: {:d} variables.\n", n, nv);
104  writelog(" {:d} sensitivity params.\n", r.nSensParams());
105  }
106  if (r.type() == "FlowReactor" && m_reactors.size() > 1) {
107  throw CanteraError("ReactorNet::initialize",
108  "FlowReactors must be used alone.");
109  }
110  }
112  m_ydot.resize(m_nv,0.0);
113  m_yest.resize(m_nv,0.0);
114  m_advancelimits.resize(m_nv,-1.0);
115  m_atol.resize(neq());
116  fill(m_atol.begin(), m_atol.end(), m_atols);
117  m_integ->setTolerances(m_rtol, neq(),;
118  m_integ->setSensitivityTolerances(m_rtolsens, m_atolsens);
119  if (!m_linearSolverType.empty()) {
120  m_integ->setLinearSolverType(m_linearSolverType);
121  }
122  if (m_precon) {
123  m_integ->setPreconditioner(m_precon);
124  }
125  m_integ->initialize(m_time, *this);
126  if (m_verbose) {
127  writelog("Number of equations: {:d}\n", neq());
128  writelog("Maximum time step: {:14.6g}\n", m_maxstep);
129  }
130  if (m_integ->preconditionerSide() != PreconditionerSide::NO_PRECONDITION) {
132  }
133  m_integrator_init = true;
134  m_init = true;
135 }
138 {
139  if (m_init) {
140  debuglog("Re-initializing reactor network.\n", m_verbose);
141  m_integ->reinitialize(m_time, *this);
142  if (m_integ->preconditionerSide() != PreconditionerSide::NO_PRECONDITION) {
144  }
145  m_integrator_init = true;
146  } else {
147  initialize();
148  }
149 }
151 void ReactorNet::setLinearSolverType(const string& linSolverType)
152 {
153  m_linearSolverType = linSolverType;
154  m_integrator_init = false;
155 }
157 void ReactorNet::setPreconditioner(shared_ptr<PreconditionerBase> preconditioner)
158 {
159  m_precon = preconditioner;
160  m_integrator_init = false;
161 }
164 {
165  integrator().setMaxSteps(nmax);
166 }
169 {
170  return integrator().maxSteps();
171 }
173 void ReactorNet::advance(double time)
174 {
175  if (!m_init) {
176  initialize();
177  } else if (!m_integrator_init) {
178  reinitialize();
179  }
180  m_integ->integrate(time);
181  m_time = time;
182  updateState(m_integ->solution());
183 }
185 double ReactorNet::advance(double time, bool applylimit)
186 {
187  if (!m_init) {
188  initialize();
189  } else if (!m_integrator_init) {
190  reinitialize();
191  }
193  if (!applylimit) {
194  // take full step
195  advance(time);
196  return time;
197  }
199  if (!hasAdvanceLimits()) {
200  // take full step
201  advance(time);
202  return time;
203  }
205  getAdvanceLimits(;
207  // ensure that gradient is available
208  while (lastOrder() < 1) {
209  step();
210  }
212  int k = lastOrder();
213  double t = time, delta;
214  double* y = m_integ->solution();
216  // reduce time step if limits are exceeded
217  while (true) {
218  bool exceeded = false;
219  getEstimate(t, k, &m_yest[0]);
220  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_nv; j++) {
221  delta = abs(m_yest[j] - y[j]);
222  if ( (m_advancelimits[j] > 0.) && ( delta > m_advancelimits[j]) ) {
223  exceeded = true;
224  if (m_verbose) {
225  writelog(" Limiting global state vector component {:d} (dt = {:9.4g}):"
226  "{:11.6g} > {:9.4g}\n",
227  j, t - m_time, delta, m_advancelimits[j]);
228  }
229  }
230  }
231  if (!exceeded) {
232  break;
233  }
234  t = .5 * (m_time + t);
235  }
236  advance(t);
237  return t;
238 }
241 {
242  if (!m_init) {
243  initialize();
244  } else if (!m_integrator_init) {
245  reinitialize();
246  }
247  m_time = m_integ->step(m_time + 1.0);
248  updateState(m_integ->solution());
249  return m_time;
250 }
252 void ReactorNet::getEstimate(double time, int k, double* yest)
253 {
254  if (!m_init) {
255  initialize();
256  }
257  // initialize
258  double* cvode_dky = m_integ->solution();
259  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_nv; j++) {
260  yest[j] = cvode_dky[j];
261  }
263  // Taylor expansion
264  double factor = 1.;
265  double deltat = time - m_time;
266  for (int n = 1; n <= k; n++) {
267  factor *= deltat / n;
268  cvode_dky = m_integ->derivative(m_time, n);
269  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_nv; j++) {
270  yest[j] += factor * cvode_dky[j];
271  }
272  }
273 }
276 {
277  if (m_integ) {
278  return m_integ->lastOrder();
279  } else {
280  return 0;
281  }
282 }
285 {
286  for (auto current : m_reactors) {
287  if (current->isOde() != r.isOde()) {
288  throw CanteraError("ReactorNet::addReactor",
289  "Cannot mix Reactor types using both ODEs and DAEs ({} and {})",
290  current->type(), r.type());
291  }
292  if (current->timeIsIndependent() != r.timeIsIndependent()) {
293  throw CanteraError("ReactorNet::addReactor",
294  "Cannot mix Reactor types using time and space as independent variables"
295  "\n({} and {})", current->type(), r.type());
296  }
297  }
299  r.setNetwork(this);
300  m_reactors.push_back(&r);
301  if (!m_integ) {
302  m_integ.reset(newIntegrator(r.isOde() ? "CVODE" : "IDA"));
303  // use backward differencing, with a full Jacobian computed
304  // numerically, and use a Newton linear iterator
305  m_integ->setMethod(BDF_Method);
306  m_integ->setLinearSolverType("DENSE");
307  }
308 }
311  if (m_integ == nullptr) {
312  throw CanteraError("ReactorNet::integrator",
313  "Integrator has not been instantiated. Add one or more reactors first.");
314  }
315  return *m_integ;
316 }
318 void ReactorNet::eval(double t, double* y, double* ydot, double* p)
319 {
320  m_time = t;
321  updateState(y);
322  m_LHS.assign(m_nv, 1);
323  m_RHS.assign(m_nv, 0);
324  for (size_t n = 0; n < m_reactors.size(); n++) {
325  m_reactors[n]->applySensitivity(p);
326  m_reactors[n]->eval(t, + m_start[n], + m_start[n]);
327  size_t yEnd = 0;
328  if (n == m_reactors.size() - 1) {
329  yEnd = m_RHS.size();
330  } else {
331  yEnd = m_start[n + 1];
332  }
333  for (size_t i = m_start[n]; i < yEnd; i++) {
334  ydot[i] = m_RHS[i] / m_LHS[i];
335  }
336  m_reactors[n]->resetSensitivity(p);
337  }
338  checkFinite("ydot", ydot, m_nv);
339 }
341 void ReactorNet::evalDae(double t, double* y, double* ydot, double* p, double* residual)
342 {
343  m_time = t;
344  updateState(y);
345  for (size_t n = 0; n < m_reactors.size(); n++) {
346  m_reactors[n]->applySensitivity(p);
347  m_reactors[n]->evalDae(t, y, ydot, residual);
348  m_reactors[n]->resetSensitivity(p);
349  }
350  checkFinite("ydot", ydot, m_nv);
351 }
353 void ReactorNet::getConstraints(double* constraints)
354 {
355  for (size_t n = 0; n < m_reactors.size(); n++) {
356  m_reactors[n]->getConstraints(constraints + m_start[n]);
357  }
358 }
360 double ReactorNet::sensitivity(size_t k, size_t p)
361 {
362  if (!m_init) {
363  initialize();
364  }
365  if (p >= m_sens_params.size()) {
366  throw IndexError("ReactorNet::sensitivity",
367  "m_sens_params", p, m_sens_params.size()-1);
368  }
369  double denom = m_integ->solution(k);
370  if (denom == 0.0) {
371  denom = SmallNumber;
372  }
373  return m_integ->sensitivity(k, p) / denom;
374 }
376 void ReactorNet::evalJacobian(double t, double* y, double* ydot, double* p, Array2D* j)
377 {
378  //evaluate the unperturbed ydot
379  eval(t, y, ydot, p);
380  for (size_t n = 0; n < m_nv; n++) {
381  // perturb x(n)
382  double ysave = y[n];
383  double dy = m_atol[n] + fabs(ysave)*m_rtol;
384  y[n] = ysave + dy;
385  dy = y[n] - ysave;
387  // calculate perturbed residual
388  eval(t, y,, p);
390  // compute nth column of Jacobian
391  for (size_t m = 0; m < m_nv; m++) {
392  j->value(m,n) = (m_ydot[m] - ydot[m])/dy;
393  }
394  y[n] = ysave;
395  }
396 }
398 void ReactorNet::updateState(double* y)
399 {
400  checkFinite("y", y, m_nv);
401  for (size_t n = 0; n < m_reactors.size(); n++) {
402  m_reactors[n]->updateState(y + m_start[n]);
403  }
404 }
406 void ReactorNet::getDerivative(int k, double* dky)
407 {
408  if (!m_init) {
409  initialize();
410  }
411  double* cvode_dky = m_integ->derivative(m_time, k);
412  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_nv; j++) {
413  dky[j] = cvode_dky[j];
414  }
415 }
417 void ReactorNet::setAdvanceLimits(const double *limits)
418 {
419  if (!m_init) {
420  initialize();
421  }
422  for (size_t n = 0; n < m_reactors.size(); n++) {
423  m_reactors[n]->setAdvanceLimits(limits + m_start[n]);
424  }
425 }
428 {
429  bool has_limit = false;
430  for (size_t n = 0; n < m_reactors.size(); n++) {
431  has_limit |= m_reactors[n]->hasAdvanceLimits();
432  }
433  return has_limit;
434 }
436 bool ReactorNet::getAdvanceLimits(double *limits) const
437 {
438  bool has_limit = false;
439  for (size_t n = 0; n < m_reactors.size(); n++) {
440  has_limit |= m_reactors[n]->getAdvanceLimits(limits + m_start[n]);
441  }
442  return has_limit;
443 }
445 void ReactorNet::getState(double* y)
446 {
447  for (size_t n = 0; n < m_reactors.size(); n++) {
448  m_reactors[n]->getState(y + m_start[n]);
449  }
450 }
452 void ReactorNet::getStateDae(double* y, double* ydot)
453 {
454  for (size_t n = 0; n < m_reactors.size(); n++) {
455  m_reactors[n]->getStateDae(y + m_start[n], ydot + m_start[n]);
456  }
457 }
459 size_t ReactorNet::globalComponentIndex(const string& component, size_t reactor)
460 {
461  if (!m_init) {
462  initialize();
463  }
464  return m_start[reactor] + m_reactors[reactor]->componentIndex(component);
465 }
467 string ReactorNet::componentName(size_t i) const
468 {
469  for (auto r : m_reactors) {
470  if (i < r->neq()) {
471  return r->name() + ": " + r->componentName(i);
472  } else {
473  i -= r->neq();
474  }
475  }
476  throw CanteraError("ReactorNet::componentName", "Index out of bounds");
477 }
480  const string& name, double value, double scale)
481 {
482  if (m_integrator_init) {
483  throw CanteraError("ReactorNet::registerSensitivityParameter",
484  "Sensitivity parameters cannot be added after the"
485  "integrator has been initialized.");
486  }
487  m_paramNames.push_back(name);
488  m_sens_params.push_back(value);
489  m_paramScales.push_back(scale);
490  return m_sens_params.size() - 1;
491 }
494 {
495  // Apply given settings to all reactors
496  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_reactors.size(); i++) {
497  m_reactors[i]->setDerivativeSettings(settings);
498  }
499 }
502 {
503  if (m_integ) {
504  return m_integ->solverStats();
505  } else {
506  return AnyMap();
507  }
508 }
511 {
512  if (m_integ) {
513  return m_integ->linearSolverType();
514  } else {
515  return "";
516  }
517 }
519 void ReactorNet::preconditionerSolve(double* rhs, double* output)
520 {
521  if (!m_integ) {
522  throw CanteraError("ReactorNet::preconditionerSolve",
523  "Must only be called after ReactorNet is initialized.");
524  }
525  m_integ->preconditionerSolve(m_nv, rhs, output);
526 }
528 void ReactorNet::preconditionerSetup(double t, double* y, double gamma)
529 {
530  // ensure state is up to date.
531  updateState(y);
532  // get the preconditioner
533  auto precon = m_integ->preconditioner();
534  // Reset preconditioner
535  precon->reset();
536  // Set gamma value for M =I - gamma*J
537  precon->setGamma(gamma);
538  // Make a copy of state to adjust it for preconditioner
539  vector<double> yCopy(m_nv);
540  // Get state of reactor
541  getState(;
542  // transform state based on preconditioner rules
543  precon->stateAdjustment(yCopy);
544  // update network with adjusted state
545  updateState(;
546  // Get jacobians and give elements to preconditioners
547  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_reactors.size(); i++) {
548  Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> rJac = m_reactors[i]->jacobian();
549  for (int k=0; k<rJac.outerSize(); ++k) {
550  for (Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>::InnerIterator it(rJac, k); it; ++it) {
551  precon->setValue(it.row() + m_start[i], it.col() + m_start[i],
552  it.value());
553  }
554  }
555  }
556  // post reactor setup operations
557  precon->setup();
558 }
561 {
562  if (!m_integ) {
563  throw CanteraError("ReactorNet::updatePreconditioner",
564  "Must only be called after ReactorNet is initialized.");
565  }
566  auto precon = m_integ->preconditioner();
567  precon->setGamma(gamma);
568  precon->updatePreconditioner();
569 }
572  // check for non-mole-based reactors and throw an error otherwise
573  for (auto reactor : m_reactors) {
575  throw CanteraError("ReactorNet::checkPreconditionerSupported",
576  "Preconditioning is only supported for type *MoleReactor,\n"
577  "Reactor type given: '{}'.",
578  reactor->type());
579  }
580  }
581 }
583 }
Header file for class Cantera::Array2D.
Header file for base class WallBase.
A map of string keys to values whose type can vary at runtime.
Definition: AnyMap.h:427
A class for 2D arrays stored in column-major (Fortran-compatible) form.
Definition: Array.h:32
double & value(size_t i, size_t j)
Returns a changeable reference to position in the matrix.
Definition: Array.h:160
Base class for exceptions thrown by Cantera classes.
Definition: ctexceptions.h:66
vector< double > m_paramScales
Scaling factors for each sensitivity parameter.
Definition: FuncEval.h:184
bool suppressErrors() const
Get current state of error suppression.
Definition: FuncEval.h:166
vector< double > m_sens_params
Values for the problem parameters for which sensitivities are computed This is the array which is per...
Definition: FuncEval.h:176
An array index is out of range.
Definition: ctexceptions.h:165
Abstract base class for ODE system integrators.
Definition: Integrator.h:44
virtual void setMaxStepSize(double hmax)
Set the maximum step size.
Definition: Integrator.h:221
virtual void setMaxSteps(int nmax)
Set the maximum number of time-steps the integrator can take before reaching the next output time.
Definition: Integrator.h:239
virtual int maxSteps()
Returns the maximum number of time-steps the integrator can take before reaching the next output time...
Definition: Integrator.h:245
virtual void setMaxErrTestFails(int n)
Set the maximum permissible number of error test failures.
Definition: Integrator.h:231
void setNetwork(ReactorNet *net)
Set the ReactorNet that this reactor belongs to.
Definition: ReactorBase.cpp:96
void setPreconditioner(shared_ptr< PreconditionerBase > preconditioner)
Set preconditioner used by the linear solver.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:157
void setLinearSolverType(const string &linSolverType="DENSE")
Set the type of linear solver used in the integration.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:151
void preconditionerSetup(double t, double *y, double gamma) override
Evaluate the setup processes for the Jacobian preconditioner.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:528
double step()
Advance the state of all reactors with respect to the independent variable (time or space).
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:240
virtual int lastOrder() const
Returns the order used for last solution step of the ODE integrator The function is intended for inte...
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:275
void eval(double t, double *y, double *ydot, double *p) override
Evaluate the right-hand-side ODE function.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:318
void initialize()
Initialize the reactor network.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:86
void advance(double t)
Advance the state of all reactors in the independent variable (time or space).
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:173
size_t neq() const override
Number of equations.
Definition: ReactorNet.h:208
vector< size_t > m_start
m_start[n] is the starting point in the state vector for reactor n
Definition: ReactorNet.h:333
vector< double > m_LHS
m_LHS is a vector representing the coefficients on the "left hand side" of each governing equation
Definition: ReactorNet.h:359
double m_initial_time
The initial value of the independent variable in the system.
Definition: ReactorNet.h:326
void evalJacobian(double t, double *y, double *ydot, double *p, Array2D *j)
Evaluate the Jacobian matrix for the reactor network.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:376
double time()
Current value of the simulation time [s], for reactor networks that are solved in the time domain.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:68
void getConstraints(double *constraints) override
Given a vector of length neq(), mark which variables should be considered algebraic constraints.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:353
double m_time
The independent variable in the system.
Definition: ReactorNet.h:323
AnyMap solverStats() const
Get solver stats from integrator.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:501
virtual void setMaxSteps(int nmax)
Set the maximum number of internal integration steps the integrator will take before reaching the nex...
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:163
string componentName(size_t i) const
Return the name of the i-th component of the global state vector.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:467
void addReactor(Reactor &r)
Add the reactor r to this reactor network.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:284
void getStateDae(double *y, double *ydot) override
Fill in the vectors y and ydot with the current state of the system.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:452
void setInitialTime(double time)
Set the initial value of the independent variable (typically time).
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:28
virtual void getDerivative(int k, double *dky)
Return k-th derivative at the current state of the system.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:406
void setMaxErrTestFails(int nmax)
Set the maximum number of error test failures permitted by the CVODES integrator in a single step.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:41
size_t registerSensitivityParameter(const string &name, double value, double scale)
Used by Reactor and Wall objects to register the addition of sensitivity parameters so that the React...
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:479
double m_maxstep
Maximum integrator internal timestep. Default of 0.0 means infinity.
Definition: ReactorNet.h:344
double distance()
Current position [m] along the length of the reactor network, for reactors that are solved as a funct...
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:77
void setSensitivityTolerances(double rtol, double atol)
Set the relative and absolute tolerances for integrating the sensitivity equations.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:57
Reactor & reactor(int n)
Return a reference to the n-th reactor in this network.
Definition: ReactorNet.h:144
int maxSteps()
Returns the maximum number of internal integration steps the integrator will take before reaching the...
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:168
virtual void setDerivativeSettings(AnyMap &settings)
Set derivative settings of all reactors.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:493
double sensitivity(size_t k, size_t p)
Return the sensitivity of the k-th solution component with respect to the p-th sensitivity parameter.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:360
void updateState(double *y)
Update the state of all the reactors in the network to correspond to the values in the solution vecto...
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:398
void getState(double *y) override
Fill in the vector y with the current state of the system.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:445
void setAdvanceLimits(const double *limits)
Set absolute step size limits during advance.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:417
double rtol()
Relative tolerance.
Definition: ReactorNet.h:90
size_t globalComponentIndex(const string &component, size_t reactor=0)
Return the index corresponding to the component named component in the reactor with index reactor in ...
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:459
bool m_timeIsIndependent
Indicates whether time or space is the independent variable.
Definition: ReactorNet.h:349
double atol()
Absolute integration tolerance.
Definition: ReactorNet.h:95
bool hasAdvanceLimits() const
Check whether ReactorNet object uses advance limits.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:427
void setMaxTimeStep(double maxstep)
Set the maximum integrator step.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:35
void evalDae(double t, double *y, double *ydot, double *p, double *residual) override
eval coupling for IDA / DAEs
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:341
virtual void checkPreconditionerSupported() const
Check that preconditioning is supported by all reactors in the network.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:571
bool m_integrator_init
True if integrator initialization is current.
Definition: ReactorNet.h:329
void reinitialize()
Reinitialize the integrator.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:137
Integrator & integrator()
Return a reference to the integrator.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:310
bool getAdvanceLimits(double *limits) const
Retrieve absolute step size limits during advance.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:436
string linearSolverType() const
Problem type of integrator.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:510
void updatePreconditioner(double gamma) override
Update the preconditioner based on already computed jacobian values.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:560
void preconditionerSolve(double *rhs, double *output) override
Evaluate the linear system Ax=b where A is the preconditioner.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:519
vector< string > m_paramNames
Names corresponding to each sensitivity parameter.
Definition: ReactorNet.h:352
void setTolerances(double rtol, double atol)
Set the relative and absolute tolerances for the integrator.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:46
virtual void getEstimate(double time, int k, double *yest)
Estimate a future state based on current derivatives.
Definition: ReactorNet.cpp:252
Class Reactor is a general-purpose class for stirred reactors.
Definition: Reactor.h:44
size_t neq()
Number of equations (state variables) for this reactor.
Definition: Reactor.h:103
string type() const override
String indicating the reactor model implemented.
Definition: Reactor.h:48
virtual size_t nSensParams() const
Number of sensitivity parameters associated with this reactor (including walls)
Definition: Reactor.cpp:112
void initialize(double t0=0.0) override
Initialize the reactor.
Definition: Reactor.cpp:84
virtual bool preconditionerSupported() const
Return a false if preconditioning is not supported or true otherwise.
Definition: Reactor.h:238
virtual bool isOde() const
Indicate whether the governing equations for this reactor type are a system of ODEs or DAEs.
Definition: Reactor.h:55
virtual bool timeIsIndependent() const
Indicates whether the governing equations for this reactor are functions of time or a spatial variabl...
Definition: Reactor.h:61
void debuglog(const string &msg, int loglevel)
Write a message to the log only if loglevel > 0.
Definition: global.h:158
void writelog(const string &fmt, const Args &... args)
Write a formatted message to the screen.
Definition: global.h:175
void scale(InputIter begin, InputIter end, OutputIter out, S scale_factor)
Multiply elements of an array by a scale factor.
Definition: utilities.h:104
Integrator * newIntegrator(const string &itype)
Create new Integrator object.
Definition: Integrators.cpp:14
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:564
void checkFinite(const double tmp)
Check to see that a number is finite (not NaN, +Inf or -Inf)
Definition: checkFinite.cpp:15
@ BDF_Method
Backward Differentiation.
Definition: Integrator.h:24
const double SmallNumber
smallest number to compare to zero.
Definition: ct_defs.h:158
Various templated functions that carry out common vector and polynomial operations (see Templated Arr...