Calculating Heating Value of a Fuel#
This guide demonstrates how to use Cantera’s thermodynamic data to calculate the lower heating value (LHV) and higher heating value (HHV) of methane and other fuels.
Heating value of Methane#
The complete reaction for heating methane is:
We compute the lower heating value (LHV) as the difference in enthalpy (per kg mixture) between reactants and products at constant temperature and pressure, divided by the mass fraction of fuel in the reactants.
import cantera as ct
gas = ct.Solution("gri30.yaml")
# Set reactants state
gas.TPX = 298, 101325, "CH4:1, O2:2"
h1 = gas.enthalpy_mass
Y_CH4 = gas["CH4"].Y[0] # returns an array, of which we only want the first element
# set state to complete combustion products without changing T or P
gas.TPX = None, None, "CO2:1, H2O:2"
h2 = gas.enthalpy_mass
LHV = -(h2 - h1) / Y_CH4 / 1e6
print(f"LHV = {LHV:.3f} MJ/kg")
LHV = 50.025 MJ/kg
The LHV is calculated assuming that water remains in the gas phase. However, more energy can be extracted from the mixture if this water is condensed. This value is the higher heating value (HHV).
The ideal gas mixture model used here cannot calculate this contribution directly. However, Cantera also has a non-ideal equation of state which can be used to compute this contribution.
water = ct.Water()
# Set liquid water state, with vapor fraction x = 0
water.TQ = 298, 0
h_liquid = water.h
# Set gaseous water state, with vapor fraction x = 1
water.TQ = 298, 1
h_gas = water.h
# Calculate higher heating value
Y_H2O = gas["H2O"].Y[0]
HHV = -(h2 - h1 + (h_liquid - h_gas) * Y_H2O) / Y_CH4 / 1e6
print(f"HHV = {HHV:.3f} MJ/kg")
HHV = 55.511 MJ/kg
Generalizing to arbitrary species#
We can generalize this calculation by determining the composition of the products
automatically rather than directly specifying the product composition. This can be done
by computing the elemental mole fractions of the reactants mixture and noting that for
complete combustion, all of the carbon ends up as
def heating_value(fuel):
"""Returns the LHV and HHV for the specified fuel"""
gas.TP = 298, ct.one_atm
gas.set_equivalence_ratio(1.0, fuel, "O2:1.0")
h1 = gas.enthalpy_mass
Y_fuel = gas[fuel].Y[0]
# complete combustion products
X_products = {
"CO2": gas.elemental_mole_fraction("C"),
"H2O": 0.5 * gas.elemental_mole_fraction("H"),
"N2": 0.5 * gas.elemental_mole_fraction("N"),
gas.TPX = None, None, X_products
Y_H2O = gas["H2O"].Y[0]
h2 = gas.enthalpy_mass
LHV = -(h2 - h1) / Y_fuel / 1e6
HHV = -(h2 - h1 + (h_liquid - h_gas) * Y_H2O) / Y_fuel / 1e6
return LHV, HHV
fuels = ["H2", "CH4", "C2H6", "C3H8", "NH3", "CH3OH"]
print("fuel LHV (MJ/kg) HHV (MJ/kg)")
for fuel in fuels:
LHV, HHV = heating_value(fuel)
print(f"{fuel:8s} {LHV:7.3f} {HHV:7.3f}")
fuel LHV (MJ/kg) HHV (MJ/kg)
H2 119.952 141.780
CH4 50.025 55.511
C2H6 47.511 51.901
C3H8 46.352 50.343
NH3 18.604 22.479
CH3OH 21.104 23.851