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1 /**
2  * @file vcs_prob.cpp
3  * Implementation for the Interface class for the vcs thermo
4  * equilibrium solver package,
5  */
7 // This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
8 // at https://cantera.org/license.txt for license and copyright information.
13 #include "cantera/equil/vcs_defs.h"
18 #include <cstdio>
20 using namespace std;
22 namespace Cantera
23 {
25 void VCS_SOLVE::prob_report(int print_lvl)
26 {
27  m_printLvl = print_lvl;
29  // Printout the species information: PhaseID's and mole nums
30  if (m_printLvl > 0) {
31  writeline('=', 80, true, true);
32  writeline('=', 20, false);
34  writeline('=', 31);
35  writeline('=', 80);
36  plogf("\n");
37  plogf("\tSolve a constant T, P problem:\n");
38  plogf("\t\tT = %g K\n", m_temperature);
39  double pres_atm = m_pressurePA / 1.01325E5;
41  plogf("\t\tPres = %g atm\n", pres_atm);
42  plogf("\n");
43  plogf(" Phase IDs of species\n");
44  plogf(" species phaseID phaseName ");
45  plogf(" Initial_Estimated_Moles Species_Type\n");
46  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_nsp; i++) {
47  vcs_VolPhase* Vphase = m_VolPhaseList[m_phaseID[i]].get();
48  plogf("%16s %5d %16s", m_mix->speciesName(i), m_phaseID[i],
49  Vphase->PhaseName);
50  if (m_doEstimateEquil >= 0) {
51  plogf(" %-10.5g", m_molNumSpecies_old[i]);
52  } else {
53  plogf(" N/A");
54  }
55  if (m_speciesUnknownType[i] == VCS_SPECIES_TYPE_MOLNUM) {
56  plogf(" Mol_Num");
57  } else if (m_speciesUnknownType[i] == VCS_SPECIES_TYPE_INTERFACIALVOLTAGE) {
58  plogf(" Voltage");
59  } else {
60  plogf(" ");
61  }
62  plogf("\n");
63  }
65  // Printout of the Phase structure information
66  writeline('-', 80, true, true);
67  plogf(" Information about phases\n");
68  plogf(" PhaseName PhaseNum SingSpec GasPhase "
69  " EqnState NumSpec");
70  plogf(" TMolesInert TKmoles\n");
72  for (size_t iphase = 0; iphase < m_numPhases; iphase++) {
73  vcs_VolPhase* Vphase = m_VolPhaseList[iphase].get();
74  plogf("%16s %5d %5d %8d ", Vphase->PhaseName,
75  Vphase->VP_ID_, Vphase->m_singleSpecies, Vphase->m_gasPhase);
76  plogf("%16s %8d %16e ", Vphase->eos_name(),
77  Vphase->nSpecies(), Vphase->totalMolesInert());
78  if (m_doEstimateEquil >= 0) {
79  plogf("%16e\n", Vphase->totalMoles());
80  } else {
81  plogf(" N/A\n");
82  }
83  }
85  plogf("\nElemental Abundances: ");
86  plogf(" Target_kmol ElemType ElActive\n");
87  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_nelem; ++i) {
88  writeline(' ', 26, false);
89  plogf("%-2.2s", m_elementName[i]);
90  plogf("%20.12E ", m_elemAbundancesGoal[i]);
91  plogf("%3d %3d\n", m_elType[i], m_elementActive[i]);
92  }
94  plogf("\nChemical Potentials: (J/kmol)\n");
95  plogf(" Species (phase) "
96  " SS0ChemPot StarChemPot\n");
97  for (size_t iphase = 0; iphase < m_numPhases; iphase++) {
98  vcs_VolPhase* Vphase = m_VolPhaseList[iphase].get();
99  Vphase->setState_TP(m_temperature, m_pressurePA);
100  for (size_t kindex = 0; kindex < Vphase->nSpecies(); kindex++) {
101  size_t kglob = Vphase->spGlobalIndexVCS(kindex);
102  plogf("%16s ", m_mix->speciesName(kglob));
103  if (kindex == 0) {
104  plogf("%16s", Vphase->PhaseName);
105  } else {
106  plogf(" ");
107  }
109  plogf("%16g %16g\n", Vphase->G0_calc_one(kindex),
110  Vphase->GStar_calc_one(kindex));
111  }
112  }
113  writeline('=', 80, true, true);
114  writeline('=', 20, false);
116  writeline('=', 24);
117  writeline('=', 80);
118  plogf("\n");
119  }
120 }
122 void VCS_SOLVE::addPhaseElements(vcs_VolPhase* volPhase)
123 {
124  size_t neVP = volPhase->nElemConstraints();
125  // Loop through the elements in the vol phase object
126  for (size_t eVP = 0; eVP < neVP; eVP++) {
127  size_t foundPos = npos;
128  std::string enVP = volPhase->elementName(eVP);
130  // Search for matches with the existing elements. If found, then fill in
131  // the entry in the global mapping array.
132  for (size_t e = 0; e < m_nelem; e++) {
133  std::string en = m_elementName[e];
134  if (!strcmp(enVP.c_str(), en.c_str())) {
135  volPhase->setElemGlobalIndex(eVP, e);
136  foundPos = e;
137  }
138  }
139  if (foundPos == npos) {
140  int elType = volPhase->elementType(eVP);
141  int elactive = volPhase->elementActive(eVP);
142  size_t e = addElement(enVP.c_str(), elType, elactive);
143  volPhase->setElemGlobalIndex(eVP, e);
144  }
145  }
146 }
148 size_t VCS_SOLVE::addElement(const char* elNameNew, int elType, int elactive)
149 {
150  if (!elNameNew) {
151  throw CanteraError("VCS_SOLVE::addElement",
152  "error: element must have a name");
153  }
154  m_nelem++;
155  m_numComponents++;
157  m_formulaMatrix.resize(m_nsp, m_nelem, 0.0);
158  m_stoichCoeffRxnMatrix.resize(m_nelem, m_nsp, 0.0);
159  m_elType.push_back(elType);
160  m_elementActive.push_back(elactive);
161  m_elemAbundances.push_back(0.0);
162  m_elemAbundancesGoal.push_back(0.0);
163  m_elementMapIndex.push_back(0);
164  m_elementName.push_back(elNameNew);
165  return m_nelem - 1;
166 }
168 size_t VCS_SOLVE::addOnePhaseSpecies(vcs_VolPhase* volPhase, size_t k, size_t kT)
169 {
170  if (kT > m_nsp) {
171  // Need to expand the number of species here
172  throw CanteraError("VCS_SOLVE::addOnePhaseSpecies", "Shouldn't be here");
173  }
174  const Array2D& fm = volPhase->getFormulaMatrix();
175  for (size_t eVP = 0; eVP < volPhase->nElemConstraints(); eVP++) {
176  size_t e = volPhase->elemGlobalIndex(eVP);
177  AssertThrowMsg(e != npos, "VCS_PROB::addOnePhaseSpecies",
178  "element not found");
179  m_formulaMatrix(kT,e) = fm(k,eVP);
180  }
182  // Tell the phase object about the current position of the species within
183  // the global species vector
184  volPhase->setSpGlobalIndexVCS(k, kT);
185  return kT;
186 }
188 }
Header for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ molality based activity coefficien...
Headers for the MultiPhase object that is used to set up multiphase equilibrium problems (see Equilfu...
A class for 2D arrays stored in column-major (Fortran-compatible) form.
Definition: Array.h:32
Base class for exceptions thrown by Cantera classes.
Definition: ctexceptions.h:61
Phase information and Phase calculations for vcs.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:82
std::string eos_name() const
Return the name corresponding to the equation of state.
size_t elemGlobalIndex(const size_t e) const
Returns the global index of the local element index for the phase.
size_t nSpecies() const
Return the number of species in the phase.
std::string elementName(const size_t e) const
Name of the element constraint with index e.
size_t VP_ID_
Original ID of the phase in the problem.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:538
const Array2D & getFormulaMatrix() const
Get a constant form of the Species Formula Matrix.
double totalMolesInert() const
Returns the value of the total kmol of inert in the phase.
bool m_singleSpecies
If true, this phase consists of a single species.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:541
void setElemGlobalIndex(const size_t eLocal, const size_t eGlobal)
sets a local phase element to a global index value
size_t nElemConstraints() const
Returns the number of element constraints.
size_t spGlobalIndexVCS(const size_t spIndex) const
Return the Global VCS index of the kth species in the phase.
double GStar_calc_one(size_t kspec) const
Gibbs free energy calculation for standard state of one species.
bool m_gasPhase
If true, this phase is a gas-phase like phase.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:548
std::string PhaseName
String name for the phase.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:627
double G0_calc_one(size_t kspec) const
Gibbs free energy calculation at a temperature for the reference state of a species,...
void setState_TP(const double temperature_Kelvin, const double pressure_PA)
Sets the temperature and pressure in this object and underlying ThermoPhase objects.
int elementType(const size_t e) const
Type of the element constraint with index e.
void setSpGlobalIndexVCS(const size_t spIndex, const size_t spGlobalIndex)
set the Global VCS index of the kth species in the phase
double totalMoles() const
Return the total moles in the phase.
#define AssertThrowMsg(expr, procedure,...)
Assertion must be true or an error is thrown.
Definition: ctexceptions.h:265
const size_t npos
index returned by functions to indicate "no position"
Definition: ct_defs.h:188
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:264
Header for the object representing each phase within vcs.
Defines and definitions within the vcs package.
Unknown refers to the voltage level of a phase.
Definition: vcs_defs.h:289
Unknown refers to mole number of a single species.
Definition: vcs_defs.h:281
Internal declarations for the VCSnonideal package.
#define plogf
define this Cantera function to replace printf
Definition: vcs_internal.h:18
Header file for the internal object that holds the vcs equilibrium problem (see Class VCS_SOLVE and E...