Member List#

Cantera: Member List
ReactorDelegator< R > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ReactorDelegator< R >, including all inherited members.

componentIndex(const string &nm) const override (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >inline
componentName(size_t k) override (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >inline
delegatorName() constDelegatorinline
eval(double t, double *LHS, double *RHS) override (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >inline
evalSurfaces(double *LHS, double *RHS, double *sdot) override (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >inline
evalWalls(double t) override (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >inline
expansionRate() const overrideReactorDelegator< R >inlinevirtual
getExternalHandle(const string &name) constDelegatorinline
getState(double *y) override (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >inline
getSurfaceInitialConditions(double *y) override (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >inline
heatRate() const overrideReactorDelegator< R >inlinevirtual
holdExternalHandle(const string &name, const shared_ptr< ExternalHandle > &handle)Delegatorinline
initialize(double t0) override (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >inline
install(const string &name, function< void()> &target, const function< void()> &func)Delegatorinlineprotected
install(const string &name, function< void(bool)> &target, const function< void(bool)> &func)Delegatorinlineprotected
install(const string &name, function< void(double)> &target, const function< void(double)> &func)Delegatorinlineprotected
install(const string &name, function< void(AnyMap &)> &target, const function< void(AnyMap &)> &func)Delegatorinlineprotected
install(const string &name, function< void(const AnyMap &, const UnitStack &)> &target, const function< void(const AnyMap &, const UnitStack &)> &func)Delegatorinlineprotected
install(const string &name, function< void(const string &, void *)> &target, const function< void(const string &, void *)> &func)Delegatorinlineprotected
install(const string &name, function< void(std::array< size_t, 1 >, double *)> &target, const function< void(std::array< size_t, 1 >, double *)> &func)Delegatorinlineprotected
install(const string &name, function< void(std::array< size_t, 1 >, double, double *)> &target, const function< void(std::array< size_t, 1 >, double, double *)> &func)Delegatorinlineprotected
install(const string &name, function< void(std::array< size_t, 2 >, double, double *, double *)> &target, const function< void(std::array< size_t, 2 >, double, double *, double *)> &func)Delegatorinlineprotected
install(const string &name, function< void(std::array< size_t, 3 >, double *, double *, double *)> &target, const function< void(std::array< size_t, 3 >, double *, double *, double *)> &base)Delegatorinlineprotected
install(const string &name, function< double(void *)> &target, const function< double(void *)> &func)Delegatorinlineprotected
install(const string &name, function< string(size_t)> &target, const function< string(size_t)> &base)Delegatorinlineprotected
install(const string &name, function< size_t(const string &)> &target, const function< size_t(const string &)> &base)Delegatorinlineprotected
m_base_d_vp (defined in Delegator)Delegatorprotected
m_base_s_sz (defined in Delegator)Delegatorprotected
m_base_sz_csr (defined in Delegator)Delegatorprotected
m_componentIndex (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >private
m_componentName (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >private
m_eval (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >private
m_evalSurfaces (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >private
m_evalWalls (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >private
m_funcs_d_vp (defined in Delegator)Delegatorprotected
m_funcs_s_sz (defined in Delegator)Delegatorprotected
m_funcs_sz_csr (defined in Delegator)Delegatorprotected
m_funcs_v (defined in Delegator)Delegatorprotected
m_funcs_v_AMr (defined in Delegator)Delegatorprotected
m_funcs_v_b (defined in Delegator)Delegatorprotected
m_funcs_v_cAMr_cUSr (defined in Delegator)Delegatorprotected
m_funcs_v_csr_vp (defined in Delegator)Delegatorprotected
m_funcs_v_d (defined in Delegator)Delegatorprotected
m_funcs_v_d_dp (defined in Delegator)Delegatorprotected
m_funcs_v_d_dp_dp (defined in Delegator)Delegatorprotected
m_funcs_v_dp (defined in Delegator)Delegatorprotected
m_funcs_v_dp_dp_dp (defined in Delegator)Delegatorprotected
m_getState (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >private
m_getSurfaceInitialConditions (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >private
m_initialize (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >private
m_speciesIndex (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >private
m_syncState (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >private
m_updateConnected (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >private
m_updateState (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >private
m_updateSurfaceState (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >private
makeDelegate(const function< void(Args ...)> &func, const string &when, BaseFunc base)Delegatorinlineprotected
makeDelegate(const string &name, const function< int(ReturnType &, Args ...)> &func, const string &when, const function< ReturnType(Args ...)> &base)Delegatorinlineprotected
ReactorDelegator() (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >inline
restoreSurfaceState(size_t n) overrideReactorDelegator< R >inlinevirtual
restoreThermoState() overrideReactorDelegator< R >inlinevirtual
setDelegate(const string &name, const function< void()> &func, const string &when)Delegatorinline
setDelegate(const string &name, const function< void(bool)> &func, const string &when)Delegatorinline
setDelegate(const string &name, const function< void(double)> &func, const string &when)Delegatorinline
setDelegate(const string &name, const function< void(AnyMap &)> &func, const string &when)Delegatorinline
setDelegate(const string &name, const function< void(const AnyMap &, const UnitStack &)> &func, const string &when)Delegatorinline
setDelegate(const string &name, const function< void(const string &, void *)> &func, const string &when)Delegatorinline
setDelegate(const string &name, const function< void(std::array< size_t, 1 >, double *)> &func, const string &when)Delegatorinline
setDelegate(const string &name, const function< void(std::array< size_t, 1 >, double, double *)> &func, const string &when)Delegatorinline
setDelegate(const string &name, const function< void(std::array< size_t, 2 >, double, double *, double *)> &func, const string &when)Delegatorinline
setDelegate(const string &name, const function< void(std::array< size_t, 3 >, double *, double *, double *)> &func, const string &when)Delegatorinline
setDelegate(const string &name, const function< int(double &, void *)> &func, const string &when)Delegatorinline
setDelegate(const string &name, const function< int(string &, size_t)> &func, const string &when)Delegatorinline
setDelegate(const string &name, const function< int(size_t &, const string &)> &func, const string &when)Delegatorinline
setDelegatorName(const string &delegatorName)Delegatorinline
setExpansionRate(double v) overrideReactorDelegator< R >inlinevirtual
setHeatRate(double q) overrideReactorDelegator< R >inlinevirtual
setNEq(size_t n) overrideReactorDelegator< R >inlinevirtual
speciesIndex(const string &nm) const override (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >inline
syncState() override (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >inline
updateConnected(bool updatePressure) override (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >inline
updateState(double *y) override (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >inline
updateSurfaceState(double *y) override (defined in ReactorDelegator< R >)ReactorDelegator< R >inline