# Examples Cantera includes examples for a number of applications. To see all examples written in a particular programming language, select the corresponding category below. Or, to browse all examples covering a particular topic, regardless of programming language, select from the {ref}`list of example tags `. ```{seealso} If you're just getting started with Cantera, see our [](/userguide/python-tutorial) for an introduction to the Cantera Python interface, or the [C++ Tutorial](/userguide/cxx-tutorial) for some guidance on using Cantera's C++ interface. ``` ## Python Examples ````{grid} 2 2 2 3 :gutter: 3 ```{grid-item-card} Thermodynamics :link: python/thermo/index :link-type: doc :text-align: center ``` ```{grid-item-card} Kinetics :link: python/kinetics/index :link-type: doc :text-align: center ``` ```{grid-item-card} Transport :link: python/transport/index :link-type: doc :text-align: center ``` ```{grid-item-card} Reactor networks :link: python/reactors/index :link-type: doc :text-align: center ``` ```{grid-item-card} 1D reacting flows :link: python/onedim/index :link-type: doc :text-align: center ``` ```` ## Examples in Other Languages ````{grid} 2 2 3 3 :gutter: 3 ```{grid-item-card} C++ :link: cxx/index :link-type: doc :text-align: center ``` ```{grid-item-card} C (experimental) :link: clib/index :link-type: doc :text-align: center ``` ```{grid-item-card} Matlab (experimental) :link: matlab_experimental/index :link-type: doc :text-align: center ``` ```{grid-item-card} Fortran :link: fortran/index :link-type: doc :text-align: center ``` ```` ## Input File Examples ````{grid} 2 2 3 3 :gutter: 3 ```{grid-item-card} YAML :link: input/index :link-type: doc :text-align: center ``` ```` % The following pages are generated by sphinx-gallery ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: python/index cxx/index clib/index matlab_experimental/index fortran/index input/index ``` % The following page is generated by sphinx-tags ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: /_tags/tagsindex ```