Cantera 2.6.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1//! @file MultiNewton.cpp Damped Newton solver for 1D multi-domain problems
3// This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
4// at for license and copyright information.
9#include <ctime>
11using namespace std;
13namespace Cantera
16// unnamed-namespace for local helpers
20class Indx
23 Indx(size_t nv, size_t np) : m_nv(nv), m_np(np) {}
24 size_t m_nv, m_np;
25 size_t operator()(size_t m, size_t j) {
26 return j*m_nv + m;
27 }
31 * Return a damping coefficient that keeps the solution after taking one
32 * Newton step between specified lower and upper bounds. This function only
33 * considers one domain.
34 */
35doublereal bound_step(const doublereal* x, const doublereal* step,
36 Domain1D& r, int loglevel)
38 size_t np = r.nPoints();
39 size_t nv = r.nComponents();
40 Indx index(nv, np);
41 doublereal fbound = 1.0;
42 bool wroteTitle = false;
43 for (size_t m = 0; m < nv; m++) {
44 double above = r.upperBound(m);
45 double below = r.lowerBound(m);
47 for (size_t j = 0; j < np; j++) {
48 double val = x[index(m,j)];
49 if (loglevel > 0 && (val > above + 1.0e-12 || val < below - 1.0e-12)) {
50 writelog("\nERROR: solution out of bounds.\n");
51 writelog("domain {:d}: {:>20s}({:d}) = {:10.3e} ({:10.3e}, {:10.3e})\n",
52 r.domainIndex(), r.componentName(m), j, val, below, above);
53 }
55 double newval = val + step[index(m,j)];
57 if (newval > above) {
58 fbound = std::max(0.0, std::min(fbound,
59 (above - val)/(newval - val)));
60 } else if (newval < below) {
61 fbound = std::min(fbound, (val - below)/(val - newval));
62 }
64 if (loglevel > 1 && (newval > above || newval < below)) {
65 if (!wroteTitle) {
66 writelog("\nNewton step takes solution out of bounds.\n\n");
67 writelog(" {:>12s} {:>12s} {:>4s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s}\n",
68 "domain","component","pt","value","step","min","max");
69 wroteTitle = true;
70 }
71 writelog(" {:4d} {:>12s} {:4d} {:10.3e} {:10.3e} {:10.3e} {:10.3e}\n",
72 r.domainIndex(), r.componentName(m), j,
73 val, step[index(m,j)], below, above);
74 }
75 }
76 }
77 return fbound;
81 * This function computes the square of a weighted norm of a step vector for one
82 * domain.
83 *
84 * @param x Solution vector for this domain.
85 * @param step Newton step vector for this domain.
86 * @param r Object representing the domain. Used to get tolerances,
87 * number of components, and number of points.
88 *
89 * The return value is
90 * \f[
91 * \sum_{n,j} \left(\frac{s_{n,j}}{w_n}\right)^2
92 * \f]
93 * where the error weight for solution component \f$n\f$ is given by
94 * \f[
95 * w_n = \epsilon_{r,n} \frac{\sum_j |x_{n,j}|}{J} + \epsilon_{a,n}.
96 * \f]
97 * Here \f$\epsilon_{r,n} \f$ is the relative error tolerance for component n,
98 * and multiplies the average magnitude of solution component n in the domain.
99 * The second term, \f$\epsilon_{a,n}\f$, is the absolute error tolerance for
100 * component n.
101 */
102doublereal norm_square(const doublereal* x,
103 const doublereal* step, Domain1D& r)
105 double sum = 0.0;
106 doublereal f2max = 0.0;
107 size_t nv = r.nComponents();
108 size_t np = r.nPoints();
110 for (size_t n = 0; n < nv; n++) {
111 double esum = 0.0;
112 for (size_t j = 0; j < np; j++) {
113 esum += fabs(x[nv*j + n]);
114 }
115 double ewt = r.rtol(n)*esum/np + r.atol(n);
116 for (size_t j = 0; j < np; j++) {
117 double f = step[nv*j + n]/ewt;
118 sum += f*f;
119 f2max = std::max(f*f, f2max);
120 }
121 }
122 return sum;
125} // end unnamed-namespace
128// constants
129const doublereal DampFactor = sqrt(2.0);
130const size_t NDAMP = 7;
132// ---------------- MultiNewton methods ----------------
134MultiNewton::MultiNewton(int sz)
135 : m_maxAge(5)
137 m_n = sz;
138 m_elapsed = 0.0;
141void MultiNewton::resize(size_t sz)
143 m_n = sz;
144 m_x.resize(m_n);
145 m_stp.resize(m_n);
146 m_stp1.resize(m_n);
149doublereal MultiNewton::norm2(const doublereal* x,
150 const doublereal* step, OneDim& r) const
152 double sum = 0.0;
153 size_t nd = r.nDomains();
154 for (size_t n = 0; n < nd; n++) {
155 double f = norm_square(x + r.start(n), step + r.start(n), r.domain(n));
156 sum += f;
157 }
158 sum /= r.size();
159 return sqrt(sum);
162void MultiNewton::step(doublereal* x, doublereal* step,
163 OneDim& r, MultiJac& jac, int loglevel)
165 r.eval(npos, x, step);
166 for (size_t n = 0; n < r.size(); n++) {
167 step[n] = -step[n];
168 }
170 try {
171 jac.solve(step, step);
172 } catch (CanteraError&) {
173 if ( > 0) {
174 // Positive value for "info" indicates the row where factorization failed
175 size_t row = static_cast<size_t>( - 1);
176 // Find the domain, grid point, and solution component corresponding
177 // to this row
178 for (size_t n = 0; n < r.nDomains(); n++) {
179 Domain1D& dom = r.domain(n);
180 size_t nComp = dom.nComponents();
181 if (row >= dom.loc() && row < dom.loc() + nComp * dom.nPoints()) {
182 size_t offset = row - dom.loc();
183 size_t pt = offset / nComp;
184 size_t comp = offset - pt * nComp;
185 throw CanteraError("MultiNewton::step",
186 "Jacobian is singular for domain {}, component {} at point {}\n"
187 "(Matrix row {})",
188, dom.componentName(comp), pt, row);
189 }
190 }
191 }
192 throw;
193 }
196doublereal MultiNewton::boundStep(const doublereal* x0,
197 const doublereal* step0, const OneDim& r, int loglevel)
199 doublereal fbound = 1.0;
200 for (size_t i = 0; i < r.nDomains(); i++) {
201 fbound = std::min(fbound,
202 bound_step(x0 + r.start(i), step0 + r.start(i),
203 r.domain(i), loglevel));
204 }
205 return fbound;
208int MultiNewton::dampStep(const doublereal* x0, const doublereal* step0,
209 doublereal* x1, doublereal* step1, doublereal& s1,
210 OneDim& r, MultiJac& jac, int loglevel, bool writetitle)
212 // write header
213 if (loglevel > 0 && writetitle) {
214 writelog("\n\nDamped Newton iteration:\n");
215 writeline('-', 65, false);
217 writelog("\n{} {:>9s} {:>9s} {:>9s} {:>9s} {:>9s} {:>5s} {:>5s}\n",
218 "m","F_damp","F_bound","log10(ss)",
219 "log10(s0)","log10(s1)","N_jac","Age");
220 writeline('-', 65);
221 }
223 // compute the weighted norm of the undamped step size step0
224 doublereal s0 = norm2(x0, step0, r);
226 // compute the multiplier to keep all components in bounds
227 doublereal fbound = boundStep(x0, step0, r, loglevel-1);
229 // if fbound is very small, then x0 is already close to the boundary and
230 // step0 points out of the allowed domain. In this case, the Newton
231 // algorithm fails, so return an error condition.
232 if (fbound < 1.e-10) {
233 debuglog("\nAt limits.\n", loglevel);
234 return -3;
235 }
237 // ---------- Attempt damped step ----------
239 // damping coefficient starts at 1.0
240 doublereal damp = 1.0;
241 size_t m;
242 for (m = 0; m < NDAMP; m++) {
243 double ff = fbound*damp;
245 // step the solution by the damped step size
246 for (size_t j = 0; j < m_n; j++) {
247 x1[j] = ff*step0[j] + x0[j];
248 }
250 // compute the next undamped step that would result if x1 is accepted
251 step(x1, step1, r, jac, loglevel-1);
253 // compute the weighted norm of step1
254 s1 = norm2(x1, step1, r);
256 // write log information
257 if (loglevel > 0) {
258 doublereal ss = r.ssnorm(x1,step1);
259 writelog("\n{:d} {:9.5f} {:9.5f} {:9.5f} {:9.5f} {:9.5f} {:4d} {:d}/{:d}",
260 m, damp, fbound, log10(ss+SmallNumber),
261 log10(s0+SmallNumber), log10(s1+SmallNumber),
262 jac.nEvals(), jac.age(), m_maxAge);
263 }
265 // if the norm of s1 is less than the norm of s0, then accept this
266 // damping coefficient. Also accept it if this step would result in a
267 // converged solution. Otherwise, decrease the damping coefficient and
268 // try again.
269 if (s1 < 1.0 || s1 < s0) {
270 break;
271 }
272 damp /= DampFactor;
273 }
275 // If a damping coefficient was found, return 1 if the solution after
276 // stepping by the damped step would represent a converged solution, and
277 // return 0 otherwise. If no damping coefficient could be found, return -2.
278 if (m < NDAMP) {
279 if (s1 > 1.0) {
280 return 0;
281 } else {
282 return 1;
283 }
284 } else {
285 return -2;
286 }
289int MultiNewton::solve(doublereal* x0, doublereal* x1,
290 OneDim& r, MultiJac& jac, int loglevel)
292 clock_t t0 = clock();
293 int m = 0;
294 bool forceNewJac = false;
295 doublereal s1=1.e30;
297 copy(x0, x0 + m_n, &m_x[0]);
299 bool frst = true;
300 doublereal rdt = r.rdt();
301 int j0 = jac.nEvals();
302 int nJacReeval = 0;
304 while (true) {
305 // Check whether the Jacobian should be re-evaluated.
306 if (jac.age() > m_maxAge) {
307 if (loglevel > 0) {
308 writelog("\nMaximum Jacobian age reached ({})\n", m_maxAge);
309 }
310 forceNewJac = true;
311 }
313 if (forceNewJac) {
314 r.eval(npos, &m_x[0], &m_stp[0], 0.0, 0);
315 jac.eval(&m_x[0], &m_stp[0], 0.0);
316 jac.updateTransient(rdt, r.transientMask().data());
317 forceNewJac = false;
318 }
320 // compute the undamped Newton step
321 step(&m_x[0], &m_stp[0], r, jac, loglevel-1);
323 // increment the Jacobian age
324 jac.incrementAge();
326 // damp the Newton step
327 m = dampStep(&m_x[0], &m_stp[0], x1, &m_stp1[0], s1, r, jac, loglevel-1, frst);
328 if (loglevel == 1 && m >= 0) {
329 if (frst) {
330 writelog("\n\n {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>5s}",
331 "log10(ss)","log10(s1)","N_jac");
332 writelog("\n ------------------------------------");
333 }
334 doublereal ss = r.ssnorm(&m_x[0], &m_stp[0]);
335 writelog("\n {:10.4f} {:10.4f} {:d}",
336 log10(ss),log10(s1),jac.nEvals());
337 }
338 frst = false;
340 // Successful step, but not converged yet. Take the damped step, and try
341 // again.
342 if (m == 0) {
343 copy(x1, x1 + m_n, m_x.begin());
344 } else if (m == 1) {
345 // convergence
346 if (rdt == 0) {
347 jac.setAge(0); // for efficient sensitivity analysis
348 }
349 break;
350 } else if (m < 0) {
351 // If dampStep fails, first try a new Jacobian if an old one was
352 // being used. If it was a new Jacobian, then return -1 to signify
353 // failure.
354 if (jac.age() > 1) {
355 forceNewJac = true;
356 if (nJacReeval > 3) {
357 break;
358 }
359 nJacReeval++;
360 debuglog("\nRe-evaluating Jacobian, since no damping "
361 "coefficient\ncould be found with this Jacobian.\n",
362 loglevel);
363 } else {
364 break;
365 }
366 }
367 }
369 if (m < 0) {
370 copy(m_x.begin(), m_x.end(), x1);
371 }
372 if (m > 0 && jac.nEvals() == j0) {
373 m = 100;
374 }
375 m_elapsed += (clock() - t0)/(1.0*CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
376 return m;
379} // end namespace Cantera
int solve(const doublereal *const b, doublereal *const x)
Solve the matrix problem Ax = b.
Definition: BandMatrix.cpp:267
int info() const
LAPACK "info" flag after last factor/solve operation.
Definition: BandMatrix.h:261
Base class for exceptions thrown by Cantera classes.
Definition: ctexceptions.h:61
Base class for one-dimensional domains.
Definition: Domain1D.h:38
size_t nComponents() const
Number of components at each grid point.
Definition: Domain1D.h:133
size_t nPoints() const
Number of grid points in this domain.
Definition: Domain1D.h:155
virtual std::string componentName(size_t n) const
Name of the nth component. May be overloaded.
Definition: Domain1D.cpp:64
virtual size_t loc(size_t j=0) const
Location of the start of the local solution vector in the global solution vector,.
Definition: Domain1D.h:373
Class MultiJac evaluates the Jacobian of a system of equations defined by a residual function supplie...
Definition: MultiJac.h:23
int nEvals() const
Number of Jacobian evaluations.
Definition: MultiJac.h:41
void setAge(int age)
Set the Jacobian age.
Definition: MultiJac.h:58
void eval(doublereal *x0, doublereal *resid0, double rdt)
Evaluate the Jacobian at x0.
Definition: MultiJac.cpp:43
void incrementAge()
Increment the Jacobian age.
Definition: MultiJac.h:51
int age() const
Number of times 'incrementAge' has been called since the last evaluation.
Definition: MultiJac.h:46
Container class for multiple-domain 1D problems.
Definition: OneDim.h:27
size_t start(size_t i) const
The index of the start of domain i in the solution vector.
Definition: OneDim.h:86
size_t size() const
Total solution vector length;.
Definition: OneDim.h:97
doublereal ssnorm(doublereal *x, doublereal *r)
Steady-state max norm (infinity norm) of the residual evaluated using solution x.
Definition: OneDim.cpp:291
size_t nDomains() const
Number of domains.
Definition: OneDim.h:55
void eval(size_t j, double *x, double *r, doublereal rdt=-1.0, int count=1)
Evaluate the multi-domain residual function.
Definition: OneDim.cpp:259
Domain1D & domain(size_t i) const
Return a reference to domain i.
Definition: OneDim.h:60
doublereal rdt() const
Reciprocal of the time step.
Definition: OneDim.h:151
void writelog(const std::string &fmt, const Args &... args)
Write a formatted message to the screen.
Definition: global.h:164
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Definition: AnyMap.h:29
const size_t npos
index returned by functions to indicate "no position"
Definition: ct_defs.h:192
void debuglog(const std::string &msg, int loglevel)
Write a message to the log only if loglevel > 0.
Definition: global.h:146
const double SmallNumber
smallest number to compare to zero.
Definition: ct_defs.h:153
int solve(DenseMatrix &A, double *b, size_t nrhs=1, size_t ldb=0)
Solve Ax = b. Array b is overwritten on exit with x.
Various templated functions that carry out common vector operations (see Templated Utility Functions)...