Cantera 2.6.0
This is the complete list of members for MMCollisionInt, including all inherited members.
astar(double ts, double deltastar) (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | |
astar_table | MMCollisionInt | privatestatic |
bstar(double ts, double deltastar) (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | |
bstar_table | MMCollisionInt | privatestatic |
cstar(double ts, double deltastar) (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | |
cstar_table | MMCollisionInt | privatestatic |
delta (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | privatestatic |
fit(int degree, doublereal deltastar, doublereal *astar, doublereal *bstar, doublereal *cstar) (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | |
fit_omega22(int degree, doublereal deltastar, doublereal *om22) (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | |
fitDelta(int table, int ntstar, int degree, doublereal *c) (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | private |
init(doublereal tsmin, doublereal tsmax, int loglevel=0) | MMCollisionInt | |
m_apoly (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | private |
m_bpoly (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | private |
m_cpoly (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | private |
m_loglevel | MMCollisionInt | private |
m_logTemp | MMCollisionInt | private |
m_nmax (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | private |
m_nmin (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | private |
m_o22poly (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | private |
MMCollisionInt() (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | inline |
omega11(double ts, double deltastar) (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | inline |
omega22(double ts, double deltastar) (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | |
omega22_table | MMCollisionInt | privatestatic |
tstar | MMCollisionInt | privatestatic |
tstar22 (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | privatestatic |
~MMCollisionInt() (defined in MMCollisionInt) | MMCollisionInt | inlinevirtual |