This documentation is for an old version of Cantera. You can find docs for newer versions here.
function dydt = reactor_ode(t,y,gas,vdot,area,heatflux)
% REACTOR ODE system for a generic zero-dimensional reactor.
% Function REACTOR evaluates the system of ordinary differential
% equations for a zero-dimensional reactor with arbitrary heat
% transfer and volume change.
% Solution vector components:
% y(1) Total internal energy U
% y(2) Volume V
% y(3) Mass of species 1
% ....
% y(2+nsp) Mass of last species
[m,n] = size(y);
dydt = zeros(m,n);
for j = 1:n
this_y = y(:,j);
int_energy = this_y(1);
vol = this_y(2);
masses = this_y(3:end);
% evaluate the total mass, and the specific internal energy and volume.
total_mass = sum(masses);
u_mass = int_energy/total_mass;
v_mass = vol/total_mass;
% set the state of the gas by specifying (u,v,{Y_k})
setState_UV(gas, [u_mass v_mass]);
p = pressure(gas);
% volume equation
vdt = feval(vdot, t, vol, gas);
% energy equation
a = feval(area, t, vol);
q = feval(heatflux, t, gas);
udt = -p * vdt + a * q;
% species equations
ydt = total_mass * ydot(gas);
% set up column vector for dydt
dydt(:,j) = [udt
ydt ];