
This documentation is for an old version of Cantera. You can find docs for newer versions here.

Creating ThermoPhase, Kinetics, and Transport objects

The following program demonstrates the general method for creating the following object types:

  • ThermoPhase - represents the thermodynamic properties of mixtures containing one or more species)
  • Kinetics - represents a kinetic mechanism involving one or more phases)
  • Transport - computes transport properties for a ThermoPhase

This program uses “factory” functions to create derived objects objects of the appropriate type which are specified in the input file gri30.cti.

#include "cantera/thermo.h"
#include "cantera/kinetics.h"
#include "cantera/transport.h"

using namespace Cantera;

// The actual code is put into a function that can be called from the main
// program.
void simple_demo2()
    // Create a new phase
    std::unique_ptr<ThermoPhase> gas(newPhase("gri30.cti", "gri30_mix"));

    // List of phases participating in reactions (just one for homogeneous
    // kinetics)
    std::vector<ThermoPhase*> phases{gas.get()};

    // Create the Kinetics object. Based on the phase definition used, this will
    // be a GasKinetics object.
    std::unique_ptr<Kinetics> kin(newKineticsMgr(gas->xml(), phases));

    // Set an "interesting" mixture state where we will observe non-zero reacton
    // rates.
    gas->setState_TPX(500.0, 2.0*OneAtm, "CH4:1.0, O2:1.0, N2:3.76");
    gas->setState_TP(gas->temperature() - 100, gas->pressure());

    // Get the net reaction rates
    vector_fp wdot(kin->nReactions());

    writelog("Net reaction rates for reactions involving CO2\n");
    size_t kCO2 = gas->speciesIndex("CO2");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < kin->nReactions(); i++) {
        if (kin->reactantStoichCoeff(kCO2, i)
            || kin->productStoichCoeff(kCO2, i)) {
            writelog("{:3d}  {:30s}  {: .8e}\n",
                i, kin->reactionString(i), wdot[i]);

    // Create a Transport object. Based on the transport model specified in the
    // "gri30_mix" phase, this will be a MixGasTransport object.
    std::unique_ptr<Transport> trans(newDefaultTransportMgr(gas.get()));
    writelog("T        viscosity     thermal conductivity\n");
    writelog("------   -----------   --------------------\n");
    for (size_t n = 0; n < 5; n++) {
        double T = 300 + 100 * n;
        gas->setState_TP(T, gas->pressure());
        writelog("{:.1f}    {:.4e}    {:.4e}\n",
            T, trans->viscosity(), trans->thermalConductivity());

// the main program just calls function simple_demo2 within a 'try' block, and
// catches exceptions that might be thrown
int main()
    try {
    } catch (std::exception& err) {
        std::cout << err.what() << std::endl;

This program produces the output below:

Net reaction rates for reactions involving CO2
 11  CO + O (+M) <=> CO2 (+M)         3.54150724e-08
 13  HCO + O <=> CO2 + H              1.95680014e-11
 29  CH2CO + O <=> CH2 + CO2          3.45366988e-17
 30  CO + O2 <=> CO2 + O              2.70102522e-13
 41  CO2 + 2 H <=> CO2 + H2           3.45305359e-08
 98  CO + OH <=> CO2 + H              6.46935907e-03
119  CO + HO2 <=> CO2 + OH            1.86807529e-10
131  CH + CO2 <=> CO + HCO            9.41365695e-14
151  CH2(S) + CO2 <=> CH2 + CO2       3.11161382e-12
152  CH2(S) + CO2 <=> CH2O + CO       2.85339329e-11
225  NCO + O2 <=> CO2 + NO            3.74127282e-19
228  NCO + NO <=> CO2 + N2            6.25672779e-14
261  HNCO + O <=> CO2 + NH            6.84524890e-13
267  HNCO + OH <=> CO2 + NH2          7.78871264e-10
279  CO2 + NH <=> CO + HNO           -3.30333658e-09
281  NCO + NO2 <=> CO2 + N2O          2.14286686e-20
282  CO2 + N <=> CO + NO              6.42658283e-10
289  CH2 + O2 => CO2 + 2 H            1.51032319e-18
304  CH2CHO + O => CH2 + CO2 + H      1.00331734e-19

T        viscosity     thermal conductivity
------   -----------   --------------------
300.0    1.6658e-05    4.2089e-02
400.0    2.0861e-05    5.2537e-02
500.0    2.4681e-05    6.2451e-02
600.0    2.8218e-05    7.2157e-02
700.0    3.1534e-05    8.1754e-02