This documentation is for an old version of Cantera. You can find docs for newer versions here.
% Tutorial 4: Chemical Equilibrium
% Topics:
% - the equilibrate method
% - specifying fixed TP, HP, UV, SV, or SP
% - checking reaction rates of progress
help tut4
% To set a gas mixture to a state of chemical equilibrium, use the
% 'equilibrate' method.
g = GRI30;
% The above statement sets the state of object 'g' to the state of
% chemical equilibrium holding temperature and pressure
% fixed. Alternatively, the specific enthalpy and pressure can be held
% fixed:
disp('fixed H and P:');
% Other options are
% 'UV' fixed specific internal energy and specific volume
% 'SV' fixed specific entropy and specific volume
% 'SP' fixed specific entropy and pressure
disp('fixed U and V:');
disp('fixed S and V:');
disp('fixed S and P:');
% How can you tell if 'equilibrate' has correctly found the
% chemical equilibrium state? One way is verify that the net rates of
% progress of all reversible reactions are zero.
% Here is the code to do this:
rf = rop_f(g);
rr = rop_r(g);
format short e;
for i = 1:nReactions(g)
if isReversible(g,i)
disp([i, rf(i), rr(i), (rf(i) - rr(i))/rf(i)]);
% You might be wondering how 'equilibrate' works. (Then again, you might
% not, in which case you can go on to the next tutorial now.) Method
% 'equilibrate' invokes Cantera's chemical equilibrium solver, which
% uses an element potential method. The element potential method is
% one of a class of equivalent 'nonstoichiometric' methods that all
% have the characteristic that the problem reduces to solving a set of
% M nonlinear algebraic equations, where M is the number of elements
% (not species). The so-called 'stoichiometric' methods, on the other
% hand, (including Gibbs minimization), require solving K nonlinear
% equations, where K is the number of species (usually K >> M). See
% Smith and Missen, "Chemical Reaction Equilibrium Analysis" for more
% information on the various algorithms and their characteristics.
% Cantera uses a damped Newton method to solve these equations, and
% does a few other things to generate a good starting guess and to
% produce a reasonably robust algorithm. If you want to know more
% about the details, look at the on-line documented source code of
% Cantera C++ class 'ChemEquil' at http://www.cantera.org.
clear all
% end of tutorial 4