This documentation is for an old version of Cantera. You can find docs for newer versions here.
Print the critical state properties for the fluids for which Cantera has
built-in liquid/vapor equations of state.
import cantera as ct
fluids = {'water': ct.Water(),
'nitrogen': ct.Nitrogen(),
'methane': ct.Methane(),
'hydrogen': ct.Hydrogen(),
'oxygen': ct.Oxygen(),
'carbon dioxide': ct.CarbonDioxide(),
'heptane': ct.Heptane(),
'hfc134a': ct.Hfc134a()
print('Critical State Properties')
print('%20s %10s %10s %10s' % ('Fluid','Tc [K]', 'Pc [Pa]', 'Zc'))
for name in fluids:
f = fluids[name]
tc = f.critical_temperature
pc = f.critical_pressure
rc = f.critical_density
mw = f.mean_molecular_weight
zc = pc * mw / (rc * ct.gas_constant * tc)
print('%20s %10.4g %10.4G %10.4G' % (name, tc, pc, zc))