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This documentation is for an old version of Cantera. You can find docs for newer versions here.

Configuring Cantera

This document lists the options available for compiling Cantera with SCons.

These options may be seen by running the command:

scons help

from the command prompt.

        *   Configuration options for building Cantera   *

The following options can be passed to SCons to customize the Cantera
build process. They should be given in the form:

    scons build option1=value1 option2=value2

Variables set in this way will be stored in the 'cantera.conf' file and reused
automatically on subsequent invocations of scons. Alternatively, the
configuration options can be entered directly into 'cantera.conf' before
running 'scons build'. The format of this file is:

    option1 = 'value1'
    option2 = 'value2'


* msvc_version: [ string ]
    Version of Visual Studio to use. The default is the newest installed
    version. Specify '9.0' for Visual Studio 2008; '10.0' for Visual
    Studio 2010; '11.0' for Visual Studio 2012; or '12.0' for Visual
    Studio 2013.
    - default: ''

* target_arch: [ string ]
    Target architecture. The default is the same architecture as the
    installed version of Python.
    - default: 'amd64'

* toolchain: [ msvc | mingw | intel ]
    The preferred compiler toolchain.
    - default: 'msvc'

* CXX: [ string ]
    The C++ compiler to use.
    - default: '$CC'

* CC: [ string ]
    The C compiler to use. This is only used to compile CVODE.
    - default: 'cl'

* prefix: [ /path/to/prefix ]
    Set this to the directory where Cantera should be installed.
    - default: 'C:\\Program Files\\Cantera'

* python_package: [ new | full | minimal | none | default ]
    If you plan to work in Python, or you want to use the graphical
    MixMaster application, then you need the 'full' Cantera Python
    Package. If, on the other hand, you will only use Cantera from some
    other language (e.g. MATLAB or Fortran 90/95) and only need Python
    to process .cti files, then you only need a 'minimal' subset of the
    package (actually, only two files). The default behavior is to build
    the Python package if the required prerequisites (numpy) are
    - default: 'default'

* python_cmd: [ /path/to/python_cmd ]
    Cantera needs to know where to find the Python interpreter. If
    PYTHON_CMD is not set, then the configuration process will use the
    same Python interpreter being used by SCons.
    - default: 'c:\\Python27\\python.exe'

* python_array_home: [ /path/to/python_array_home ]
    If numpy was installed using the --home option, set this to the home
    directory for numpy.
    - default: ''

* python_prefix: [ /path/to/python_prefix ]
    Use this option if you want to install the Cantera Python package to
    an alternate location. On Unix-like systems, the default is the same
    as the $prefix option. If this option is set to the empty string
    (the default on Windows), then the Package will be installed to the
    system default 'site-packages' directory. To install to the current
    user's site-packages directory, use 'python_prefix=USER'.
    - default: ''

* python3_package: [ y | n | default ]
    Controls whether or not the Python 3 module will be built. By
    default, the module will be built if the Python 3 interpreter can be
    - default: 'default'

* python3_cmd: [ /path/to/python3_cmd ]
     The name (full path if necessary) of the Python 3 interpreter.
    Required to build the Python 3 module.
    - default: 'python3'

* python3_array_home: [ /path/to/python3_array_home ]
    "If numpy was installed to a custom location (e.g. using the --home
    option, set this to the directory for numpy.
    - default: ''

* python3_prefix: [ /path/to/python3_prefix ]
    Use this option if you want to install the Cantera Python 3 package
    to an alternate location. On Unix-like systems, the default is the
    same as the $prefix option. If this option is set to the empty
    string (the default on Windows), then the Package will be installed
    to the system default 'site-packages' directory. To install to the
    current user's site-packages directory, use 'python3_prefix=USER'.
    - default: ''

* matlab_toolbox: [ y | n | default ]
    This variable controls whether the Matlab toolbox will be built. If
    set to 'y', you will also need to set the value of the 'matlab_path'
    variable. If set to 'default', the Matlab toolbox will be built if
    'matlab_path' is set.
    - default: 'default'

* matlab_path: [ /path/to/matlab_path ]
    Path to the Matlab install directory. This should be the directory
    containing the 'extern', 'bin', etc. subdirectories. Typical values
    are: "C:/Program Files/MATLAB/R2011a" on Windows,
    "/Applications/" on OS X, or "/opt/MATLAB/R2011a"
    on Linux.
    - default: ''

* f90_interface: [ y | n | default ]
    This variable controls whether the Fortran 90/95 interface will be
    built. If set to 'default', the builder will look for a compatible
    Fortran compiler in the $PATH, and compile the Fortran 90 interface
    if one is found.
    - default: 'default'

* FORTRAN: [ /path/to/FORTRAN ]
    The Fortran (90) compiler. If unspecified, the builder will look for
    a compatible compiler (gfortran, ifort, g95) in the $PATH.
    - default: ''

* FORTRANFLAGS: [ string ]
    Compilation options for the Fortran (90) compiler.
    - default: '-O3'

* debug_verbose: [ yes | no ]
    Enable extra printing to aid in debugging. This code is marked by
    the preprocessor macros DEBUG_MODE and DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED.
    - default: 'no'

* coverage: [ yes | no ]
    Enable collection of code coverage information with gcov. Available
    only when compiling with gcc.
    - default: 'no'

* doxygen_docs: [ yes | no ]
    Build HTML documentation for the C++ interface using Doxygen.
    - default: 'no'

* sphinx_docs: [ yes | no ]
    Build HTML documentation for the Python module using Sphinx.
    - default: 'no'

* sphinx_cmd: [ /path/to/sphinx_cmd ]
    Command to use for building the Sphinx documentation.
    - default: 'sphinx-build'

* use_sundials: [ default | y | n ]
    Cantera uses the CVODE or CVODES ODE integrator to time-integrate
    reactor network ODE's and for various other purposes. An older
    version of CVODE comes with Cantera, but it is possible to use the
    latest version as well, which now supports sensitivity analysis
    (CVODES). CVODES is a part of the 'sundials' package from Lawrence
    Livermore National Laboratory. Sundials is not distributed with
    Cantera, but it is free software that may be downloaded and
    installed separately. If you leave USE_SUNDIALS = 'default', then it
    will be used if you have it, and if not the older CVODE will be
    used. Or set USE_SUNDIALS to 'y' or 'n' to force using it or not.
    Note that sensitivity analysis with Cantera requires use of
    sundials. See:
    - default: 'default'
    - actual: 'y'

* sundials_include: [ /path/to/sundials_include ]
    The directory where the Sundials header files are installed. This
    should be the directory that contains the "cvodes", "nvector", etc.
    subdirectories. Not needed if the headers are installed in a
    standard location, e.g. /usr/include.
    - default: ''

* sundials_libdir: [ /path/to/sundials_libdir ]
    The directory where the sundials static libraries are installed. Not
    needed if the libraries are installed in a standard location, e.g.
    - default: ''

* sundials_license: [ /path/to/sundials_license ]
    Path to the sundials LICENSE file. Needed so that it can be included
    when bundling Sundials.
    - default: ''

* install_sundials: [ yes | no ]
    Determines whether Sundials library and header files are installed
    alongside Cantera. Intended for use when installing on Windows.
    - default: 'yes'

* blas_lapack_libs: [ string ]
    Cantera comes with Fortran (or C) versions of those parts of BLAS
    and LAPACK it requires. But performance may be better if you use a
    version of these libraries optimized for your machine hardware. If
    you want to use your own libraries, set blas_lapack_libs to the the
    list of libraries that should be passed to the linker, separated by
    commas, e.g. "lapack,blas" or "lapack,f77blas,cblas,atlas".
    - default: ''

* blas_lapack_dir: [ /path/to/blas_lapack_dir ]
    Directory containing the libraries specified by 'blas_lapack_libs'.
    - default: ''

* lapack_names: [ lower | upper ]
    Set depending on whether the procedure names in the specified
    libraries are lowercase or uppercase. If you don't know, run 'nm' on
    the library file (e.g. 'nm libblas.a').
    - default: 'lower'

* lapack_ftn_trailing_underscore: [ yes | no ]
    - default: 'yes'

* lapack_ftn_string_len_at_end: [ yes | no ]
    - default: 'yes'

* env_vars: [ string ]
    Environment variables to propagate through to SCons. Either the
    string "all" or a comma separated list of variable names, e.g.

* cxx_flags: [ string ]
    Compiler flags passed to the C++ compiler only.
    - default: '/EHsc'

* cc_flags: [ string ]
    Compiler flags passed to both the C and C++ compilers, regardless of
    optimization level

* thread_flags: [ string ]
    Compiler and linker flags for POSIX multithreading support.
    - default: ''

* optimize: [ yes | no ]
    Enable extra compiler optimizations specified by the
    "optimize_flags" variable, instead of the flags specified by the
    "debug_flags" variable.
    - default: 'yes'

* optimize_flags: [ string ]
    Additional compiler flags passed to the C/C++ compiler when
    - default: '/O2'

* no_optimize_flags: [ string ]
    Additional compiler flags passed to the C/C++ compiler when
    - default: '/Od /Ob0'

* debug: [ yes | no ]
    Enable compiler debugging symbols.
    - default: 'yes'

* debug_flags: [ string ]
    Additional compiler flags passed to the C/C++ compiler when
    - default: '/Zi /Fd${TARGET}.pdb'
    - actual: '/Zi /Fd.pdb'

* no_debug_flags: [ string ]
    Additional compiler flags passed to the C/C++ compiler when
    - default: ''

* debug_linker_flags: [ string ]
    Additional options passed to the linker when debug=yes.
    - default: '/DEBUG'

* no_debug_linker_flags: [ string ]
    Additional options passed to the linker when debug=no.
    - default: ''

* warning_flags: [ string ]
    Additional compiler flags passed to the C/C++ compiler to enable
    extra warnings. Used only when compiling source code that part of
    Cantera (e.g. excluding code in the 'ext' directory).
    - default: '/W3'

* extra_inc_dirs: [ string ]
    Additional directories to search for header files (colon-separated
    - default: ''

* extra_lib_dirs: [ string ]
    Additional directories to search for libraries (colon-separated
    - default: ''

* build_thread_safe: [ yes | no ]
    Cantera can be built so that it is thread safe. Doing so requires
    using procedures from the Boost library, so if you want thread
    safety then you need to get and install Boost (
    if you don't have it. This is turned off by default, in which case
    Boost is not required to build Cantera.
    - default: 'no'

* boost_inc_dir: [ /path/to/boost_inc_dir ]
    Location of the Boost header files.
    - default: ''

* boost_lib_dir: [ /path/to/boost_lib_dir ]
    Directory containing the Boost.Thread library.
    - default: ''

* boost_thread_lib: [ string ]
    A comma-separated list containing the names of the libraries needed
    to link to Boost.Thread.
    - default: ''

* boost_windows_libs: [ string ]
    Comma-separated list containing the names of the Boost libraries
    required to link Cantera programs on Windows. These libraries will
    be copied to the Cantera installation directory.
    - default: 'thread,system,date_time,chrono'

* build_with_f2c: [ yes | no ]
    For external procedures written in Fortran 77, both the original F77
    source code and C source code generated by the 'f2c' program are
    included. Set this to "n" if you want to build Cantera using the F77
    sources in the ext directory.
    - default: 'yes'

* F77: [ string ]
    Compiler used to build the external Fortran 77 procedures from the
    Fortran source code.
    - default: 'gfortran'

* F77FLAGS: [ string ]
    Fortran 77 Compiler flags. Note that the Fortran compiler flags must
    be set to produce object code compatible with the C/C++ compiler you
    are using.
    - default: '-O3'

* stage_dir: [ /path/to/stage_dir ]
     Directory relative to the Cantera source directory to be used as a
    staging area for building e.g. a Debian package. If specified,
    'scons install' will install files to 'stage_dir/prefix/...' instead
    of installing into the local filesystem.
    - default: ''

* VERBOSE: [ yes | no ]
    Create verbose output about what scons is doing.
    - default: 'no'

* renamed_shared_libraries: [ yes | no ]
    If this option is turned on, the shared libraries that are created
    will be renamed to have a "_shared" extension added to their base
    name. If not, the base names will be the same as the static
    libraries. In some cases this simplifies subsequent linking
    environments with static libraries and avoids a bug with using
    valgrind with the -static linking flag.
    - default: 'yes'

* layout: [ standard | compact | debian ]
    The layout of the directory structure. 'standard' installs files to
    several subdirectories under 'prefix', e.g. $prefix/bin,
    $prefix/include/cantera, $prefix/lib. This layout is best used in
    conjunction with 'prefix'='/usr/local'. 'compact' puts all installed
    files in the subdirectory define by 'prefix'. This layout is best
    for with a prefix like '/opt/cantera'. 'debian' installs to the
    stage directory in a layout used for generating Debian packages.
    - default: 'compact'

* cantera_version: [ string ]
    - default: '2.2.1'