================= Utility Functions ================= Utilities --------- .. mat:function:: adddir(d) Add a directory to the search path. Adds directory ``d`` to the set of directories where Cantera looks for input and data files. :param d: Path to add to the MATLAB search path. .. mat:function:: ck2cti(infile, thermo, transport) Convert a CHEMKIN input file to Cantera format. Examples:: f = ck2cti('chem.inp') f = ck2cti('chem.inp', 'therm.dat') f = ck2cti('chem.inp', 'therm.dat', 'tran.dat') These 3 statements all create a Cantera input file 'chem.cti.' In the first case, the CK-format file contains all required species thermo data, while in the second case some or all thermo data is read from file 'therm.dat.' In the third form, the input file created will also contain transport property parameters. The function return value is a string containing the output file name. :param infile: Chemistry input file in CHEMKIN format. Required. :param thermo: Thermodynamic input file in CHEMKIN format. Optional if thermodynamic data is specified in the chemistry input file. :param transport: Transport input file in CHEMKIN format. Optional. :return: String with CTML output filename. .. mat:function:: cleanup() Delete all stored Cantera objects and reclaim memory. .. mat:function:: geterr Get the error message from a Cantera error. XML_Node -------- .. mat:class:: XML_Node(name, src, wrap) XML_Node class constructor :param name: String name of the XML_Node that should be created. :param src: String XML file name from which an instance of XML_Node should be created. Reads the XML tree from the input file. :param wrap: Specify the ID of the XML_Node. :return: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` .. mat:function:: addChild(root, name, val) Add a child to the root. :param root: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` :param name: String ID of the child to be added. :param val: String value to be added to the child. :return: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` .. mat:function:: attrib(x, key) Get the XML_Node attribute with a given key. :param x: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` :param key: String key to look up. :return: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` .. mat:function:: build(x, file, pre) Build an XML_Node in memory from an input file. :param x: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` :param file: String input file name. :param pre: Determine the method of building. If not specified or less than zero, use XML_Node::build. Otherwise, use XML_Node::get_XML_File. :return: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` .. mat:function:: child(x, loc) Get the child of an XML_Node instance. :param x: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` :param loc: String loc to search for. :return: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` .. mat:function:: findByID(root, id) Get an XML element given its ID. :param root: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` :param id: String ID of the element to search for. :return: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` .. mat:function:: findByName(root, name) Get an XML element given its name. :param root: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` :param name: String name of the element to search for. :return: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` .. mat:function:: nChildren(root) Get the number of children of an XML_Node. :param root: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` :return: Integer number of children of the input XML_Node .. mat:function:: value(x, loc) Get the value at a location in an XML_Node value(x) returns the value of the XML element. value(x, loc) is shorthand for value(child(x,loc)) :param x: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` :param loc: :return: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` .. mat:function:: write(x, file) Write XML_Node to file. :param x: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node` :param file: Name of the output file to be written. :return: Instance of class :mat:func:`XML_Node`