========== Interfaces ========== Interface --------- .. mat:class:: Interface(src, id, p1, p2, p3, p4) Interface class constructor. See :ref:`sec-interfaces`. See also: :mat:func:`importEdge`, :mat:func:`importInterface` :param src: CTI or CTML file containing the interface or edge phase. :param id: Name of the interface or edge phase in the CTI or CTML file. :param p1: Adjoining phase to the interface. :param p2: Adjoining phase to the interface. :param p3: Adjoining phase to the interface. :param p4: Adjoining phase to the interface. :return: Instance of class :mat:func:`Interface` .. mat:function:: concentrations(s) Get the concentrations of the species on an interface. :param s: Instance of class :mat:func:`Interface` with surface species :return: If no output value is assigned, a bar graph will be plotted. Otherwise, a vector of length ``n_surf_species`` will be returned. .. mat:function:: coverages(s) Get the surface coverages of the species on an interface. :param s: Instance of class :mat:func:`Interface` with surface species :return: If no output value is assigned, a bar graph will be plotted. Otherwise, a vector of length ``n_surf_species`` will be returned. .. mat:function:: importEdge(file, name, phase1, phase2, phase3, phase4) Import edges between phases. Supports up to four neighbor phases. See :ref:`sec-interfaces` :param file: File containing phases :param name: Name of phase :param phase1: First neighbor phase :param phase2: Second neighbor phase :param phase3: Third neighbor phase :param phase4: Fourth neighbor phase :return: Instance of class :mat:func:`Interface` .. mat:function:: importInterface(file, name, phase1, phase2) Import an interface between phases. See :ref:`sec-interfaces`. :param file: CTI or CTML file containing the interface :param name: Name of the interface to import :param phase1: First phase in the interface :param phase2: Second phase in the interface :return: Instance of class :mat:func:`Interface` .. mat:function:: setCoverages(s, cov) Set surface coverages of the species on an interface. :param s: Instance of class :mat:func:`Interface` :param cov: Coverage of the species. ``cov`` can be either a vector of length ``n_surf_species``, or a string in the format ``'Species:Coverage, Species:Coverage'``