.. _sec-cython-examples: .. py:currentmodule:: cantera Index of Examples ================= This is an index of the examples included with the Cantera Python module. They can be found in the `examples` subdirectory of the Cantera Python module's installation directory. To determine the location of this directory, run the following in your Python interpreter:: import cantera.examples print(cantera.examples.__path__) Thermodynamics -------------- .. toctree:: :glob: examples/thermo* Kinetics -------- .. toctree:: :glob: examples/kinetics* Transport --------- .. toctree:: :glob: examples/transport* Reactor Networks ---------------- .. toctree:: :glob: examples/reactors* One-dimensional Flames ---------------------- .. toctree:: :glob: examples/onedim* Multiphase Mixtures ------------------- .. toctree:: :glob: examples/multiphase* Surface Chemistry ----------------- .. toctree:: :glob: examples/surface_chemistry*