Cantera  3.1.0a1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @file HighPressureGasTransport.cpp
3  * Implementation file for class HighPressureGasTransport
4  **/
6 // This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
7 // at for license and copyright information.
11 #include "cantera/base/utilities.h"
17 using namespace std;
19 namespace Cantera
20 {
22 double HighPressureGasTransport::thermalConductivity()
23 {
24  // Method of Ely and Hanley:
25  update_T();
26  double Lprime_m = 0.0;
27  const double c1 = 1./16.04;
28  size_t nsp = m_thermo->nSpecies();
29  vector<double> molefracs(nsp);
30  m_thermo->getMoleFractions(&molefracs[0]);
31  vector<double> cp_0_R(nsp);
32  m_thermo->getCp_R_ref(&cp_0_R[0]);
34  vector<double> L_i(nsp);
35  vector<double> f_i(nsp);
36  vector<double> h_i(nsp);
37  vector<double> V_k(nsp);
39  m_thermo -> getPartialMolarVolumes(&V_k[0]);
40  double L_i_min = BigNumber;
42  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_nsp; i++) {
43  double Tc_i = Tcrit_i(i);
44  double Vc_i = Vcrit_i(i);
45  double T_r = m_thermo->temperature()/Tc_i;
46  double V_r = V_k[i]/Vc_i;
47  double T_p = std::min(T_r,2.0);
48  double V_p = std::max(0.5,std::min(V_r,2.0));
50  // Calculate variables for density-independent component:
51  double theta_p = 1.0 + (m_w_ac[i] - 0.011)*(0.56553
52  - 0.86276*log(T_p) - 0.69852/T_p);
53  double phi_p = (1.0 + (m_w_ac[i] - 0.011)*(0.38560
54  - 1.1617*log(T_p)))*0.288/Zcrit_i(i);
55  double f_fac = Tc_i*theta_p/190.4;
56  double h_fac = 1000*Vc_i*phi_p/99.2;
57  double T_0 = m_temp/f_fac;
58  double mu_0 = 1e-7*(2.90774e6/T_0 - 3.31287e6*pow(T_0,-2./3.)
59  + 1.60810e6*pow(T_0,-1./3.) - 4.33190e5 + 7.06248e4*pow(T_0,1./3.)
60  - 7.11662e3*pow(T_0,2./3.) + 4.32517e2*T_0 - 1.44591e1*pow(T_0,4./3.)
61  + 2.03712e-1*pow(T_0,5./3.));
62  double H = sqrt(f_fac*16.04/m_mw[i])*pow(h_fac,-2./3.);
63  double mu_i = mu_0*H*m_mw[i]*c1;
64  L_i[i] = mu_i*1.32*GasConstant*(cp_0_R[i] - 2.5)/m_mw[i];
65  L_i_min = min(L_i_min,L_i[i]);
66  // Calculate variables for density-dependent component:
67  double theta_s = 1 + (m_w_ac[i] - 0.011)*(0.09057 - 0.86276*log(T_p)
68  + (0.31664 - 0.46568/T_p)*(V_p - 0.5));
69  double phi_s = (1 + (m_w_ac[i] - 0.011)*(0.39490*(V_p - 1.02355)
70  - 0.93281*(V_p - 0.75464)*log(T_p)))*0.288/Zcrit_i(i);
71  f_i[i] = Tc_i*theta_s/190.4;
72  h_i[i] = 1000*Vc_i*phi_s/99.2;
73  }
75  double h_m = 0;
76  double f_m = 0;
77  double mw_m = 0;
78  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_nsp; i++) {
79  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_nsp; j++) {
80  // Density-independent component:
81  double L_ij = 2*L_i[i]*L_i[j]/(L_i[i] + L_i[j] + Tiny);
82  Lprime_m += molefracs[i]*molefracs[j]*L_ij;
83  // Additional variables for density-dependent component:
84  double f_ij = sqrt(f_i[i]*f_i[j]);
85  double h_ij = 0.125*pow(pow(h_i[i],1./3.) + pow(h_i[j],1./3.),3.);
86  double mw_ij_inv = (m_mw[i] + m_mw[j])/(2*m_mw[i]*m_mw[j]);
87  f_m += molefracs[i]*molefracs[j]*f_ij*h_ij;
88  h_m += molefracs[i]*molefracs[j]*h_ij;
89  mw_m += molefracs[i]*molefracs[j]*sqrt(mw_ij_inv*f_ij)*pow(h_ij,-4./3.);
90  }
91  }
93  f_m = f_m/h_m;
94  mw_m = pow(mw_m,-2.)*f_m*pow(h_m,-8./3.);
96  double rho_0 = 16.04*h_m/(1000*m_thermo->molarVolume());
97  double T_0 = m_temp/f_m;
98  double mu_0 = 1e-7*(2.90774e6/T_0 - 3.31287e6*pow(T_0,-2./3.)
99  + 1.60810e6*pow(T_0,-1./3.) - 4.33190e5 + 7.06248e4
100  *pow(T_0,1./3.) - 7.11662e3*pow(T_0,2./3.) + 4.32517e2*T_0
101  - 1.44591e1*pow(T_0,4./3.) + 2.03712e-1*pow(T_0,5./3.));
102  double L_1m = 1944*mu_0;
103  double L_2m = (-2.5276e-4 + 3.3433e-4*pow(1.12 - log(T_0/1.680e2),2))*rho_0;
104  double L_3m = exp(-7.19771 + 85.67822/T_0)*(exp((12.47183
105  - 984.6252*pow(T_0,-1.5))*pow(rho_0,0.1) + (rho_0/0.1617 - 1)
106  *sqrt(rho_0)*(0.3594685 + 69.79841/T_0 - 872.8833*pow(T_0,-2))) - 1.)*1e-3;
107  double H_m = sqrt(f_m*16.04/mw_m)*pow(h_m,-2./3.);
108  double Lstar_m = H_m*(L_1m + L_2m + L_3m);
109  return Lprime_m + Lstar_m;
110 }
112 void HighPressureGasTransport::getThermalDiffCoeffs(double* const dt)
113 {
114  // Method for MultiTransport class:
115  // solveLMatrixEquation();
116  // const double c = 1.6/GasConstant;
117  // for (size_t k = 0; k < m_nsp; k++) {
118  // dt[k] = c * m_mw[k] * m_molefracs[k] * m_a[k];
119  // }
120  throw NotImplementedError("HighPressureGasTransport::getThermalDiffCoeffs");
121 }
123 void HighPressureGasTransport::getBinaryDiffCoeffs(const size_t ld, double* const d)
124 {
125  vector<double> PcP(5);
126  size_t nsp = m_thermo->nSpecies();
127  vector<double> molefracs(nsp);
128  m_thermo->getMoleFractions(&molefracs[0]);
130  update_T();
131  // Evaluate the binary diffusion coefficients from the polynomial fits.
132  // This should perhaps be preceded by a check to see whether any of T, P, or
133  // C have changed.
134  //if (!m_bindiff_ok) {
135  updateDiff_T();
136  //}
137  if (ld < nsp) {
138  throw CanteraError("HighPressureGasTransport::getBinaryDiffCoeffs",
139  "ld is too small");
140  }
141  double rp = 1.0/m_thermo->pressure();
142  for (size_t i = 0; i < nsp; i++) {
143  for (size_t j = 0; j < nsp; j++) {
144  // Add an offset to avoid a condition where x_i and x_j both equal
145  // zero (this would lead to Pr_ij = Inf):
146  double x_i = std::max(Tiny, molefracs[i]);
147  double x_j = std::max(Tiny, molefracs[j]);
149  // Weight mole fractions of i and j so that X_i + X_j = 1.0:
150  x_i = x_i/(x_i + x_j);
151  x_j = x_j/(x_i + x_j);
153  //Calculate Tr and Pr based on mole-fraction-weighted crit constants:
154  double Tr_ij = m_temp/(x_i*Tcrit_i(i) + x_j*Tcrit_i(j));
155  double Pr_ij = m_thermo->pressure()/(x_i*Pcrit_i(i) + x_j*Pcrit_i(j));
157  double P_corr_ij;
158  if (Pr_ij < 0.1) {
159  // If pressure is low enough, no correction is needed:
160  P_corr_ij = 1;
161  }else {
162  // Otherwise, calculate the parameters for Takahashi correlation
163  // by interpolating on Pr_ij:
164  P_corr_ij = setPcorr(Pr_ij, Tr_ij);
166  // If the reduced temperature is too low, the correction factor
167  // P_corr_ij will be < 0:
168  if (P_corr_ij<0) {
169  P_corr_ij = Tiny;
170  }
171  }
173  // Multiply the standard low-pressure binary diffusion coefficient
174  // (m_bdiff) by the Takahashi correction factor P_corr_ij:
175  d[ld*j + i] = P_corr_ij*rp * m_bdiff(i,j);
176  }
177  }
178 }
180 void HighPressureGasTransport::getMultiDiffCoeffs(const size_t ld, double* const d)
181 {
182  // Not currently implemented. m_Lmatrix inversion returns NaN. Needs to be
183  // fixed. --SCD - 2-28-2014
184  throw NotImplementedError("HighPressureGasTransport:getMultiDiffCoeffs");
185  // Calculate the multi-component Stefan-Maxwell diffusion coefficients,
186  // based on the Takahashi-correlation-corrected binary diffusion coefficients.
188  // update the mole fractions
189  update_C();
191  // update the binary diffusion coefficients
192  update_T();
193  updateThermal_T();
195  // Correct the binary diffusion coefficients for high-pressure effects; this
196  // is basically the same routine used in 'getBinaryDiffCoeffs,' above:
197  size_t nsp = m_thermo->nSpecies();
198  vector<double> molefracs(nsp);
199  m_thermo->getMoleFractions(&molefracs[0]);
200  update_T();
201  // Evaluate the binary diffusion coefficients from the polynomial fits -
202  // this should perhaps be preceded by a check for changes in T, P, or C.
203  updateDiff_T();
205  if (ld < m_nsp) {
206  throw CanteraError("HighPressureGasTransport::getMultiDiffCoeffs",
207  "ld is too small");
208  }
209  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_nsp; i++) {
210  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_nsp; j++) {
211  // Add an offset to avoid a condition where x_i and x_j both equal
212  // zero (this would lead to Pr_ij = Inf):
213  double x_i = std::max(Tiny, molefracs[i]);
214  double x_j = std::max(Tiny, molefracs[j]);
215  x_i = x_i/(x_i+x_j);
216  x_j = x_j/(x_i+x_j);
217  double Tr_ij = m_temp/(x_i*Tcrit_i(i) + x_j*Tcrit_i(j));
218  double Pr_ij = m_thermo->pressure()/(x_i*Pcrit_i(i) + x_j*Pcrit_i(j));
220  double P_corr_ij;
221  if (Pr_ij < 0.1) {
222  P_corr_ij = 1;
223  }else {
224  P_corr_ij = setPcorr(Pr_ij, Tr_ij);
225  if (P_corr_ij<0) {
226  P_corr_ij = Tiny;
227  }
228  }
230  m_bdiff(i,j) *= P_corr_ij;
231  }
232  }
233  m_bindiff_ok = false; // m_bdiff is overwritten by the above routine.
235  // Having corrected m_bdiff for pressure and concentration effects, the
236  // routine now proceeds the same as in the low-pressure case:
238  // evaluate L0000 if the temperature or concentrations have
239  // changed since it was last evaluated.
240  if (!m_l0000_ok) {
241  eval_L0000(;
242  }
244  // invert L00,00
245  int ierr = invert(m_Lmatrix, m_nsp);
246  if (ierr != 0) {
247  throw CanteraError("HighPressureGasTransport::getMultiDiffCoeffs",
248  "invert returned ierr = {}", ierr);
249  }
250  m_l0000_ok = false; // matrix is overwritten by inverse
251  m_lmatrix_soln_ok = false;
253  double prefactor = 16.0 * m_temp
254  *m_thermo->meanMolecularWeight()/(25.0*m_thermo->pressure());
256  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_nsp; i++) {
257  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_nsp; j++) {
258  double c = prefactor/m_mw[j];
259  d[ld*j + i] = c*molefracs[i]*(m_Lmatrix(i,j) - m_Lmatrix(i,i));
260  }
261  }
262 }
264 double HighPressureGasTransport::viscosity()
265 {
266  // Calculate the high-pressure mixture viscosity, based on the Lucas method.
267  double Tc_mix = 0.;
268  double Pc_mix_n = 0.;
269  double Pc_mix_d = 0.;
270  double MW_mix = m_thermo->meanMolecularWeight();
271  double MW_H = m_mw[0];
272  double MW_L = m_mw[0];
273  double FP_mix_o = 0;
274  double FQ_mix_o = 0;
275  double tKelvin = m_thermo->temperature();
276  double Pvp_mix = m_thermo->satPressure(tKelvin);
277  size_t nsp = m_thermo->nSpecies();
278  vector<double> molefracs(nsp);
279  m_thermo->getMoleFractions(&molefracs[0]);
281  double x_H = molefracs[0];
282  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_nsp; i++) {
283  // Calculate pure-species critical constants and add their contribution
284  // to the mole-fraction-weighted mixture averages:
285  double Tc = Tcrit_i(i);
286  double Tr = tKelvin/Tc;
287  double Zc = Zcrit_i(i);
288  Tc_mix += Tc*molefracs[i];
289  Pc_mix_n += molefracs[i]*Zc; //numerator
290  Pc_mix_d += molefracs[i]*Vcrit_i(i); //denominator
292  // Need to calculate ratio of heaviest to lightest species:
293  if (m_mw[i] > MW_H) {
294  MW_H = m_mw[i];
295  x_H = molefracs[i];
296  } else if (m_mw[i] < MW_L) {
297  MW_L = m_mw[i]; }
299  // Calculate reduced dipole moment for polar correction term:
300  double mu_ri = 52.46*100000*m_dipole(i,i)*m_dipole(i,i)
301  *Pcrit_i(i)/(Tc*Tc);
302  if (mu_ri < 0.022) {
303  FP_mix_o += molefracs[i];
304  } else if (mu_ri < 0.075) {
305  FP_mix_o += molefracs[i]*(1. + 30.55*pow(0.292 - Zc, 1.72));
306  } else { FP_mix_o += molefracs[i]*(1. + 30.55*pow(0.292 - Zc, 1.72)
307  *fabs(0.96 + 0.1*(Tr - 0.7)));
308  }
310  // Calculate contribution to quantum correction term.
311  // SCD Note: This assumes the species of interest (He, H2, and D2) have
312  // been named in this specific way. They are perhaps the most obvious
313  // names, but it would of course be preferred to have a more general
314  // approach, here.
315  vector<string> spnames = m_thermo->speciesNames();
316  if (spnames[i] == "He") {
317  FQ_mix_o += molefracs[i]*FQ_i(1.38,Tr,m_mw[i]);
318  } else if (spnames[i] == "H2") {
319  FQ_mix_o += molefracs[i]*(FQ_i(0.76,Tr,m_mw[i]));
320  } else if (spnames[i] == "D2") {
321  FQ_mix_o += molefracs[i]*(FQ_i(0.52,Tr,m_mw[i]));
322  } else {
323  FQ_mix_o += molefracs[i];
324  }
325  }
327  double Tr_mix = tKelvin/Tc_mix;
328  double Pc_mix = GasConstant*Tc_mix*Pc_mix_n/Pc_mix_d;
329  double Pr_mix = m_thermo->pressure()/Pc_mix;
330  double ratio = MW_H/MW_L;
331  double ksi = pow(GasConstant*Tc_mix*3.6277*pow(10.0,53.0)/(pow(MW_mix,3)
332  *pow(Pc_mix,4)),1.0/6.0);
334  if (ratio > 9 && x_H > 0.05 && x_H < 0.7) {
335  FQ_mix_o *= 1 - 0.01*pow(ratio,0.87);
336  }
338  // Calculate Z1m
339  double Z1m = (0.807*pow(Tr_mix,0.618) - 0.357*exp(-0.449*Tr_mix)
340  + 0.340*exp(-4.058*Tr_mix)+0.018)*FP_mix_o*FQ_mix_o;
342  // Calculate Z2m:
343  double Z2m;
344  if (Tr_mix <= 1.0) {
345  if (Pr_mix < Pvp_mix/Pc_mix) {
346  double alpha = 3.262 + 14.98*pow(Pr_mix,5.508);
347  double beta = 1.390 + 5.746*Pr_mix;
348  Z2m = 0.600 + 0.760*pow(Pr_mix,alpha) + (0.6990*pow(Pr_mix,beta) -
349  0.60)*(1- Tr_mix);
350  } else {
351  throw CanteraError("HighPressureGasTransport::viscosity",
352  "State is outside the limits of the Lucas model, Tr <= 1");
353  }
354  } else if ((Tr_mix > 1.0) && (Tr_mix < 40.0)) {
355  if ((Pr_mix > 0.0) && (Pr_mix <= 100.0)) {
356  double a_fac = 0.001245*exp(5.1726*pow(Tr_mix,-0.3286))/Tr_mix;
357  double b_fac = a_fac*(1.6553*Tr_mix - 1.2723);
358  double c_fac = 0.4489*exp(3.0578*pow(Tr_mix,-37.7332))/Tr_mix;
359  double d_fac = 1.7368*exp(2.2310*pow(Tr_mix,-7.6351))/Tr_mix;
360  double f_fac = 0.9425*exp(-0.1853*pow(Tr_mix,0.4489));
362  Z2m = Z1m*(1 + a_fac*pow(Pr_mix,1.3088)/(b_fac*pow(Pr_mix,f_fac)
363  + pow(1+c_fac*pow(Pr_mix,d_fac),-1)));
364  } else {
365  throw CanteraError("HighPressureGasTransport::viscosity",
366  "State is outside the limits of the Lucas model, 1.0 < Tr < 40");
367  }
368  } else {
369  throw CanteraError("HighPressureGasTransport::viscosity",
370  "State is outside the limits of the Lucas model, Tr > 40");
371  }
373  // Calculate Y:
374  double Y = Z2m/Z1m;
376  // Return the viscosity:
377  return Z2m*(1 + (FP_mix_o - 1)*pow(Y,-3))*(1 + (FQ_mix_o - 1)
378  *(1/Y - 0.007*pow(log(Y),4)))/(ksi*FP_mix_o*FQ_mix_o);
379 }
381 // Pure species critical properties - Tc, Pc, Vc, Zc:
382 double HighPressureGasTransport::Tcrit_i(size_t i)
383 {
384  // Store current molefracs and set temp molefrac of species i to 1.0:
385  vector<double> molefracs = store(i, m_thermo->nSpecies());
387  double tc = m_thermo->critTemperature();
388  // Restore actual molefracs:
389  m_thermo->setMoleFractions(&molefracs[0]);
390  return tc;
391 }
393 double HighPressureGasTransport::Pcrit_i(size_t i)
394 {
395  // Store current molefracs and set temp molefrac of species i to 1.0:
396  vector<double> molefracs = store(i, m_thermo->nSpecies());
398  double pc = m_thermo->critPressure();
399  // Restore actual molefracs:
400  m_thermo->setMoleFractions(&molefracs[0]);
401  return pc;
402 }
404 double HighPressureGasTransport::Vcrit_i(size_t i)
405 {
406  // Store current molefracs and set temp molefrac of species i to 1.0:
407  vector<double> molefracs = store(i, m_thermo->nSpecies());
409  double vc = m_thermo->critVolume();
410  // Restore actual molefracs:
411  m_thermo->setMoleFractions(&molefracs[0]);
412  return vc;
413 }
415 double HighPressureGasTransport::Zcrit_i(size_t i)
416 {
417  // Store current molefracs and set temp molefrac of species i to 1.0:
418  vector<double> molefracs = store(i, m_thermo->nSpecies());
420  double zc = m_thermo->critCompressibility();
421  // Restore actual molefracs:
422  m_thermo->setMoleFractions(&molefracs[0]);
423  return zc;
424 }
426 vector<double> HighPressureGasTransport::store(size_t i, size_t nsp)
427 {
428  vector<double> molefracs(nsp);
429  m_thermo->getMoleFractions(&molefracs[0]);
430  vector<double> mf_temp(nsp, 0.0);
431  mf_temp[i] = 1;
432  m_thermo->setMoleFractions(&mf_temp[0]);
433  return molefracs;
434 }
436 // Calculates quantum correction term for a species based on Tr and MW, used in
437 // viscosity calculation:
438 double HighPressureGasTransport::FQ_i(double Q, double Tr, double MW)
439 {
440  return 1.22*pow(Q,0.15)*(1 + 0.00385*pow(pow(Tr - 12.,2.),1./MW)
441  *fabs(Tr-12)/(Tr-12));
442 }
444 // Set value of parameter values for Takahashi correlation, by interpolating
445 // table of constants vs. Pr:
446 double HighPressureGasTransport::setPcorr(double Pr, double Tr)
447 {
448  const static double Pr_lookup[17] = {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0,
449  1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0};
450  const static double DP_Rt_lookup[17] = {1.01, 1.01, 1.01, 1.01, 1.01, 1.01,
451  1.01, 1.02, 1.02, 1.02, 1.02, 1.03, 1.03, 1.04, 1.05, 1.06, 1.07};
452  const static double A_ij_lookup[17] = {0.038042, 0.067433, 0.098317,
453  0.137610, 0.175081, 0.216376, 0.314051, 0.385736, 0.514553, 0.599184,
454  0.557725, 0.593007, 0.696001, 0.790770, 0.502100, 0.837452, 0.890390};
455  const static double B_ij_lookup[17] = {1.52267, 2.16794, 2.42910, 2.77605,
456  2.98256, 3.11384, 3.50264, 3.07773, 3.54744, 3.61216, 3.41882, 3.18415,
457  3.37660, 3.27984, 3.39031, 3.23513, 3.13001};
458  const static double C_ij_lookup[17] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.141211,
459  0.278407, 0.372683, 0.504894, 0.678469, 0.665702, 0., 0.602907, 0., 0.};
460  const static double E_ij_lookup[17] = {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 13.45454,
461  14., 10.00900, 8.57519, 10.37483, 11.21674, 1., 6.19043, 1., 1.};
463  // Interpolate Pr vs. those used in Takahashi table:
464  int Pr_i = 0;
465  double frac = 0.;
467  if (Pr < 0.1) {
468  frac = (Pr - Pr_lookup[0])/(Pr_lookup[1] - Pr_lookup[0]);
469  } else {
470  for (int j = 1; j < 17; j++) {
471  if (Pr_lookup[j] > Pr) {
472  frac = (Pr - Pr_lookup[j-1])/(Pr_lookup[j] - Pr_lookup[j-1]);
473  break;
474  }
475  Pr_i++;
476  }
477  }
478  // If Pr is greater than the greatest value used by Takahashi (5.0), use the
479  // final table value. Should eventually add in an extrapolation:
480  if (Pr_i == 17) {
481  frac = 1.0;
482  }
484  double P_corr_1 = DP_Rt_lookup[Pr_i]*(1.0 - A_ij_lookup[Pr_i]
485  *pow(Tr,-B_ij_lookup[Pr_i]))*(1-C_ij_lookup[Pr_i]
486  *pow(Tr,-E_ij_lookup[Pr_i]));
487  double P_corr_2 = DP_Rt_lookup[Pr_i+1]*(1.0 - A_ij_lookup[Pr_i+1]
488  *pow(Tr,-B_ij_lookup[Pr_i+1]))*(1-C_ij_lookup[Pr_i+1]
489  *pow(Tr,-E_ij_lookup[Pr_i+1]));
490  return P_corr_1*(1.0-frac) + P_corr_2*frac;
491 }
493 }
Interface for class HighPressureGasTransport.
ThermoPhase object for the ideal gas equation of state - workhorse for Cantera (see Thermodynamic Pro...
Interface for class MultiTransport.
Header file defining class TransportFactory (see TransportFactory)
Base class for exceptions thrown by Cantera classes.
Definition: ctexceptions.h:66
An error indicating that an unimplemented function has been called.
Definition: ctexceptions.h:195
const double GasConstant
Universal Gas Constant [J/kmol/K].
Definition: ct_defs.h:120
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:564
const double Tiny
Small number to compare differences of mole fractions against.
Definition: ct_defs.h:173
int invert(DenseMatrix &A, size_t nn)
invert A. A is overwritten with A^-1.
const double BigNumber
largest number to compare to inf.
Definition: ct_defs.h:160
Contains declarations for string manipulation functions within Cantera.
Various templated functions that carry out common vector and polynomial operations (see Templated Arr...