# YAML Input File Reference ## [General Structure](./general) This section of the documentation describes the [sections](sec-yaml-sections) of a YAML input file and how dimensional quantities with different [units](sec-yaml-units) can be written. ## [Phase Definitions](./phases) This section describes how to define a [phase](sec-yaml-phases), which includes specifying the [species names](sec-yaml-phase-species), the [thermodynamic model](sec-yaml-phase-thermo), the [kinetics model](sec-yaml-phase-kinetics), the [transport model](sec-yaml-phase-transport), and the [initial state](sec-yaml-setting-state), as well as other, optional properties. ## [Elements](./elements) YAML element definitions are needed only when defining custom elements that are not standard chemical elements, or defining specific isotopes. ## [Species](./species) Species definitions specify the name and composition of a species, and include entries defining parameters needed for [species thermo](sec-yaml-species-thermo), [equation of state](sec-yaml-species-eos), [transport property](sec-yaml-species-transport), and [coverage dependency](sec-yaml-species-coverage) models. ## [Reactions](./reactions) YAML reaction definitions include specification of common elements such as the reaction equation and [efficiencies](sec-yaml-efficiencies), as well as parameters specific to the type of [rate parameterization](sec-yaml-rate-types). ## Mechanism Conversion Cantera provides scripts for converting mechanisms from the Chemkin ([`ck2yaml`](./ck2yaml)), LXCat ([`lxcat2yaml`](./lxcat2yaml)), CTI ([`cti2yaml`](./cti2yaml)), and CTML/XML ([`ctml2yaml`](/yaml/ctml2yaml)) formats to YAML. Cantera also provides the [`yaml2ck`](/yaml/yaml2ck) script for converting YAML input files to the Chemkin format. ```{toctree} :hidden: general phases elements species reactions ck2yaml cti2yaml ctml2yaml yaml2ck lxcat2yaml ```