.. highlight:: yaml .. _sec-yaml-reactions: ********* Reactions ********* The fields common to all ``reaction`` entries are: ``equation`` The stoichiometric equation for the reaction. Each term (that is, stoichiometric coefficient, species name, ``+`` or ``<=>``) in the equation must be separated by a space. Reversible reactions may be written using ``<=>`` or ``=`` to separate reactants and products. Irreversible reactions are written using ``=>``. ``type`` A string specifying the type of reaction or rate coefficient parameterization. The default is ``elementary``. Reaction types are: - :ref:`elementary <sec-yaml-elementary>` - :ref:`three-body <sec-yaml-three-body>` - :ref:`Blowers-Masel <sec-yaml-Blowers-Masel>` - :ref:`two-temperature-plasma <sec-yaml-two-temperature-plasma>` - :ref:`falloff <sec-yaml-falloff>` - :ref:`chemically-activated <sec-yaml-chemically-activated>` - :ref:`pressure-dependent-Arrhenius <sec-yaml-pressure-dependent-Arrhenius>` - :ref:`Chebyshev <sec-yaml-Chebyshev>` Reactions without a specified ``type`` on surfaces or edges are automatically treated as :ref:`interface-Arrhenius <sec-yaml-interface-Arrhenius>` reactions, unless a ``sticking-coefficient`` implies a :ref:`sticking-Arrhenius <sec-yaml-sticking-Arrhenius>` reaction. Interface reactions that involve charge transfer between phases are automatically treated as :ref:`electrochemical <sec-yaml-electrochemical-reaction>` reactions. Reactions on surfaces or edges specifying ``type`` as ``Blowers-Masel`` are treated as :ref:`interface-Blowers-Masel <sec-yaml-interface-Blowers-Masel>` or :ref:`sticking-Blowers-Masel <sec-yaml-sticking-Blowers-Masel>`. ``duplicate`` Boolean indicating whether the reaction is a known duplicate of another reaction. The default is ``false``. ``orders`` An optional mapping of species to explicit reaction orders to use. Reaction orders for reactant species not explicitly mentioned are taken to be their respective stoichiometric coefficients. See `Reaction orders <https://cantera.org/science/kinetics.html#reaction-orders>`__ for additional information. ``negative-orders`` Boolean indicating whether negative reaction orders are allowed. The default is ``false``. ``nonreactant-orders`` Boolean indicating whether orders for non-reactant species are allowed. The default is ``false``. Depending on the reaction ``type``, other fields may be necessary to specify the rate of the reaction. Reaction rate expressions ========================= .. _sec-yaml-Arrhenius-rate: Arrhenius --------- Arrhenius rate expressions are specified as a mapping with fields: ``A`` The pre-exponential factor :math:`A` ``b`` The temperature exponent :math:`b` ``Ea`` The activation energy :math:`E_a` or a corresponding three-element list. The following are equivalent:: {A: -2.70000E+13 cm^3/mol/s, b: 0, Ea: 355 cal/mol} [-2.70000E+13 cm^3/mol/s, 0, 355 cal/mol] .. _sec-yaml-Blowers-Masel-rate: Blowers-Masel ------------- Blowers-Masel rate expressions calculate the rate constant based on the Blowers Masel approximation as `described here <https://cantera.org/science/kinetics.html#sec-blowers-masel>`__. The rate parameters are specified as a mapping with fields: ``A`` The pre-exponential factor :math:`A` ``b`` The temperature exponent :math:`b` ``Ea0`` The intrinsic activation energy :math:`E_{a0}` ``w`` The average of the bond dissociation energy of the bond breaking and that being formed in the reaction :math:`w` or a corresponding four-element list. The following are equivalent:: {A: 3.87e+04 cm^3/mol/s, b: 2.7, Ea0: 6260.0 cal/mol, w: 1e9 cal/mol} [3.87e+04 cm^3/mol/s, 2.7, 6260.0 cal/mol, 1e9 cal/mol] .. _sec-yaml-two-temperature-plasma-rate: Two-Temperature Plasma ---------------------- Two-temperature plasma reactions involve an electron as one of the reactants, where the electron temperature may differ from the gas temperature as `described here <https://cantera.org/science/kinetics.html#two-temperature-plasma-reactions>`__. The rate parameters are specified as a mapping with fields: ``A`` The pre-exponential factor ``b`` The temperature exponent, which is applied to the electron temperature ``Ea-gas`` The activation energy term :math:`E_{a,g}` that is related to the gas temperature ``Ea-electron`` The activation energy term :math:`E_{a,e}` that is related to the electron temperature or a corresponding four-element list. The following are equivalent:: {A: 17283, b: -3.1, Ea-gas: -5820 J/mol, Ea-electron: 1081 J/mol} [17283, -3.1, -5820 J/mol, 1081 J/mol] .. _sec-yaml-efficiencies: Efficiencies ============ Some reaction types include parameters for the "efficiency" of different species as third-body colliders. For these reactions, the following additional fields are supported: ``efficiencies`` A mapping of species names to efficiency values ``default-efficiency`` The efficiency for use for species not included in the ``efficiencies`` mapping. Defaults to 1.0. Reaction types ============== .. _sec-yaml-elementary: ``elementary`` -------------- A homogeneous reaction with a pressure-independent rate coefficient and mass action kinetics, as `described here <https://cantera.org/science/kinetics.html#reactions-with-a-pressure-independent-rate>`__. Additional fields are: ``rate-constant`` An :ref:`Arrhenius-type <sec-yaml-Arrhenius-rate>` list or mapping. ``negative-A`` A boolean indicating whether a negative value for the pre-exponential factor is allowed. The default is ``false``. Example:: equation: N + NO <=> N2 + O rate-constant: {A: -2.70000E+13 cm^3/mol/s, b: 0, Ea: 355 cal/mol} negative-A: true .. _sec-yaml-three-body: ``three-body`` -------------- A three body reaction as `described here <https://cantera.org/science/kinetics.html#three-body-reactions>`__. The reaction equation should include the third body collision partner ``M``. Includes the fields of an ``elementary`` reaction, plus the fields for specifying :ref:`efficiencies <sec-yaml-efficiencies>`. Example:: equation: 2 O + M = O2 + M type: three-body rate-constant: [1.20000E+17 cm^6/mol^2/s, -1, 0] efficiencies: {AR: 0.83, H2O: 5} .. _sec-yaml-Blowers-Masel: ``Blowers-Masel`` ----------------- Includes the fields of an :ref:`elemntary <sec-yaml-elementary>` reaction, except that the ``rate-constant`` field is a :ref:`Blowers-Masel-type <sec-yaml-Blowers-Masel-rate>` list or mapping. Example:: equation: O + H2 <=> H + OH type: Blowers-Masel rate-constant: {A: 3.87e+04 cm^2/mol/s, b: 2.7, Ea0: 6260.0 cal/mol, w: 1e9 cal/mol} .. _sec-yaml-two-temperature-plasma: ``two-temperature-plasma`` -------------------------- Includes the fields of an :ref:`elementary <sec-yaml-elementary>` reaction, except that the ``rate-constant`` field is a :ref:`Two-temperature-plasma-type <sec-yaml-two-temperature-plasma-rate>` list or mapping. Example:: equation: O + H => O + H type: two-temperature-plasma rate-constant: {A: 17283, b: -3.1, Ea-gas: -5820 J/mol, Ea-electron: 1081 J/mol} .. _sec-yaml-falloff: ``falloff`` ----------- A falloff reaction as `described here <https://cantera.org/science/kinetics.html#falloff-reactions>`__. The reaction equation should include the pressure-dependent third body collision partner ``(+M)`` or ``(+name)`` where ``name`` is the name of a species. The latter case is equivalent to setting the efficiency for ``name`` to 1 and the efficiency for all other species to 0. Includes field for specifying :ref:`efficiencies <sec-yaml-efficiencies>` as well as: ``high-P-rate-constant`` An :ref:`sec-yaml-Arrhenius-rate` expression for the high-pressure limit ``low-P-rate-constant`` An :ref:`sec-yaml-Arrhenius-rate` expression for the low-pressure limit ``Troe`` Parameters for the `Troe <https://cantera.org/science/kinetics.html#the-troe-falloff-function>`__ falloff function. A mapping containing the keys ``A``, ``T3``, ``T1`` and optionally ``T2``. The default value for ``T2`` is 0. ``SRI`` Parameters for the `SRI <https://cantera.org/science/kinetics.html#the-sri-falloff-function>`__ falloff function. A mapping containing the keys ``A``, ``B``, ``C``, and optionally ``D`` and ``E``. The default values for ``D`` and ``E`` are 1.0 and 0.0, respectively. ``Tsang`` Parameters for the `Tsang <https://cantera.org/science/kinetics.html#tsang-s-approximation-to-f-cent>`__ falloff function. A mapping containing the keys ``A`` and ``B``. The default value for ``B`` is 0.0. Example:: equation: H + CH2 (+ N2) <=> CH3 (+N2) type: falloff high-P-rate-constant: [6.00000E+14 cm^3/mol/s, 0, 0] low-P-rate-constant: {A: 1.04000E+26 cm^6/mol^2/s, b: -2.76, Ea: 1600} Troe: {A: 0.562, T3: 91, T1: 5836} .. _sec-yaml-chemically-activated: ``chemically-activated`` ------------------------ A chemically activated reaction as `described here <https://cantera.org/science/kinetics.html#chemically-activated-reactions>`__. The parameters are the same as for :ref:`sec-yaml-falloff` reactions. Example:: equation: CH3 + OH (+M) <=> CH2O + H2 (+M) type: chemically-activated high-P-rate-constant: [5.88E-14, 6.721, -3022.227] low-P-rate-constant: [282320.078, 1.46878, -3270.56495] .. _sec-yaml-pressure-dependent-Arrhenius: ``pressure-dependent-Arrhenius`` -------------------------------- A pressure-dependent reaction using multiple Arrhenius expressions as `described here <https://cantera.org/science/kinetics.html#pressure-dependent-arrhenius-rate-expressions-p-log>`__. The only additional field in this reaction type is: ``rate-constants`` A list of mappings, where each mapping is the mapping form of an :ref:`sec-yaml-Arrhenius-rate` expression with the addition of a pressure ``P``. Example:: equation: H + CH4 <=> H2 + CH3 type: pressure-dependent-Arrhenius rate-constants: - {P: 0.039474 atm, A: 2.720000e+09 cm^3/mol/s, b: 1.2, Ea: 6834.0} - {P: 1.0 atm, A: 1.260000e+20, b: -1.83, Ea: 15003.0} - {P: 1.0 atm, A: 1.230000e+04, b: 2.68, Ea: 6335.0} - {P: 1.01325 MPa, A: 1.680000e+16, b: -0.6, Ea: 14754.0} .. _sec-yaml-Chebyshev: ``Chebyshev`` ------------- A reaction parameterized as a bivariate Chebyshev polynomial as `described here <https://cantera.org/science/kinetics.html#chebyshev-reaction-rate-expressions>`__. Additional fields are: ``temperature-range`` A list of two values specifying the minimum and maximum temperatures at which the rate constant is valid ``pressure-range`` A list of two values specifying the minimum and maximum pressures at which the rate constant is valid ``data`` A list of lists containing the Chebyshev coefficients Example:: equation: CH4 <=> CH3 + H type: Chebyshev temperature-range: [290, 3000] pressure-range: [0.0098692326671601278 atm, 98.692326671601279 atm] data: [[-1.44280e+01, 2.59970e-01, -2.24320e-02, -2.78700e-03], [ 2.20630e+01, 4.88090e-01, -3.96430e-02, -5.48110e-03], [-2.32940e-01, 4.01900e-01, -2.60730e-02, -5.04860e-03], [-2.93660e-01, 2.85680e-01, -9.33730e-03, -4.01020e-03], [-2.26210e-01, 1.69190e-01, 4.85810e-03, -2.38030e-03], [-1.43220e-01, 7.71110e-02, 1.27080e-02, -6.41540e-04]] .. _sec-yaml-interface-Arrhenius: ``interface-Arrhenius`` ----------------------- A reaction occurring on a surface between two bulk phases, or along an edge at the intersection of two surfaces, as `described here <https://cantera.org/science/kinetics.html#sec-surface>`__. Includes the fields of an :ref:`sec-yaml-elementary` reaction plus: ``coverage-dependencies`` A mapping of species names to coverage dependence parameters, where these parameters are contained in either a mapping with the fields: ``a`` Coefficient for exponential dependence on the coverage ``m`` Power-law exponent of coverage dependence ``E`` Activation energy dependence on coverage, which uses the same sign convention as the leading-order activation energy term or a list containing the three elements above, in the given order. Note that parameters ``a``, ``m`` and ``E`` correspond to parameters :math:`\eta_{ki}`, :math:`\mu_{ki}` and :math:`\epsilon_{ki}` in Eq 11.113 of [Kee, R. J., Coltrin, M. E., & Glarborg, P.(2003). Chemically reacting flow: theory and practice. John Wiley & Sons], respectively. Examples:: - equation: 2 H(s) => H2 + 2 Pt(s) rate-constant: {A: 3.7e21 cm^2/mol/s, b: 0, Ea: 67400 J/mol} coverage-dependencies: {H(s): {a: 0, m: 0, E: -6000 J/mol}} - equation: CH4 + PT(S) + O(S) => CH3(S) + OH(S) rate-constant: {A: 5.0e+18, b: 0.7, Ea: 4.2e+04} coverage-dependencies: O(S): [0, 0, 8000] PT(S): [0, -1.0, 0] .. _sec-yaml-interface-Blowers-Masel: ``interface-Blowers-Masel`` --------------------------- Includes the same fields as :ref:`interface-Arrhenius <sec-yaml-interface-Arrhenius>`, while using the :ref:`Blowers-Masel <sec-yaml-Blowers-Masel-rate>` parameterization for the rate constant. Example:: equation: 2 H(s) => H2 + 2 Pt(s) type: Blowers-Masel rate-constant: {A: 3.7e21 cm^2/mol/s, b: 0, Ea0: 67400 J/mol, w: 1000000 J/mol} coverage-dependencies: {H(s): {a: 0, m: 0, E: -6000 J/mol}} .. _sec-yaml-sticking-Arrhenius: ``sticking-Arrhenius`` ---------------------- A sticking reaction occurring on a surface adjacent to a bulk phase, as `described here <https://cantera.org/science/kinetics.html#sec-sticking>`__. Includes the fields of an :ref:`sec-yaml-interface-Arrhenius` reaction plus: ``sticking-coefficient`` An :ref:`Arrhenius-type <sec-yaml-Arrhenius-rate>` expression for the sticking coefficient ``Motz-Wise`` A boolean indicating whether to use the Motz-Wise correction factor for sticking coefficients near unity. Defaults to ``false``. ``sticking-species`` The name of the sticking species. Required if the reaction includes multiple non-surface species. Example:: equation: OH + PT(S) => OH(S) sticking-coefficient: {A: 1.0, b: 0, Ea: 0} .. _sec-yaml-sticking-Blowers-Masel: ``sticking-Blowers-Masel`` -------------------------- Includes the same fields as :ref:`sticking-Arrhenius <sec-yaml-sticking-Arrhenius>`, while using the :ref:`Blowers-Masel <sec-yaml-Blowers-Masel-rate>` parameterization for the sticking coefficient. Example:: equation: OH + PT(S) => OH(S) type: Blowers-Masel sticking-coefficient: {A: 1.0, b: 0, Ea0: 0, w: 100000} Motz-Wise: true .. _sec-yaml-electrochemical-reaction: ``electrochemical`` ------------------- Interface reactions involving charge transfer between phases, as `described here <https://cantera.org/documentation/dev/doxygen/html/d6/ddd/classCantera_1_1ElectrochemicalReaction.html#details>`__. Includes the fields of an :ref:`sec-yaml-interface-Arrhenius` reaction, plus: ``beta`` The symmetry factor for the reaction. Default is 0.5. ``exchange-current-density-formulation`` Set to ``true`` if the rate constant parameterizes the exchange current density. Default is ``false``. Example:: equation: LiC6 <=> Li+(e) + C6 rate-constant: [5.74, 0.0, 0.0] beta: 0.4