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Cantera  2.2.1
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Todo List
Member Cantera::addInteger (XML_Node &node, const std::string &titleString, const int value, const std::string &unitsString="", const std::string &typeString="")
I don't think this is used. Figure out what is used for writing integers, and codify that. unitsString shouldn't be here, since it's an int. typeString should be codified as to its usage.
Member Cantera::CTML_Version
Codify what the CTML_Version number means.
Member Cantera::getSpeciesThermoTypes (std::vector< XML_Node * > &spDataNodeList, int &has_nasa, int &has_shomate, int &has_simple, int &has_other)
Make sure that spDadta_node is species Data XML node by checking its name is speciesData
Member Cantera::getVPSSMgrTypes (std::vector< XML_Node * > &spDataNodeList, int &has_nasa_idealGas, int &has_nasa_constVol, int &has_shomate_idealGas, int &has_shomate_constVol, int &has_simple_idealGas, int &has_simple_constVol, int &has_water, int &has_tpx, int &has_hptx, int &has_other)
Make sure that spDadta_node is species Data XML node by checking its name is speciesData
Member DebyeHuckel::setDensity (const doublereal rho)
Now have a compressible ss equation for liquid water. Therefore, this phase is compressible. May still want to change the independent variable however.
Member DebyeHuckel::setPressure (doublereal p)
Implement a variable pressure capability
Member GibbsExcessVPSSTP::setPressure (doublereal p)
Implement a variable pressure capability
Member HMWSoln::satPressure (doublereal T)
This is probably not implemented correctly. The stability of the salt should be added into this calculation. The underlying water model may be called to get the stability of the pure water solution, if needed.
Member HMWSoln::setDensity (const doublereal rho)

May have to adjust the strategy here to make the eos for these materials slightly compressible, in order to create a condition where the density is a function of the pressure.

Now have a compressible ss equation for liquid water. Therefore, this phase is compressible. May still want to change the independent variable however.

Member HMWSoln::setPressure (doublereal p)
Implement a variable pressure capability
Member HMWSoln::setTemperature (const doublereal temp)
Make Phase::setTemperature a virtual function
Member Kinetics::incrementRxnCount ()
Should be protected?
Class MolalityVPSSTP
Make two solvent minimum fractions. One would be for calculation of the non-ideal factors. The other one would be for purposes of stoichiometry evaluation. the stoichiometry evaluation one would be a 1E-13 limit. Anything less would create problems with roundoff error.
Member PecosTransport::thermalConductivity ()
Reconcile these these formulas with the implementation
Class Phase
Make the concept of saving state vectors more general, so that it can handle other cases where there are additional internal state variables, such as the voltage, a potential energy, or a strain field.
Group Rate Coefficient Types
Finish implementing reaction rate types.
Group Rate Coefficient Types
Finish implementing reaction rate types.
Class RootFind


General Search to be done when all else fails

Class Transport
Provide a general mechanism to store the gradients of state variables within the system.
Member VCS_SOLVE::vcs_nondim_TP ()
Add a scale factor based on the total mole numbers. The algorithm contains hard coded numbers based on the total mole number. If we ever were faced with a problem with significantly different total kmol numbers than one the algorithm would have problems.
Member vcs_VolPhase::sendToVCS_GStar (double *const gstar) const
This function's documentation is incorrect.
Class VPStandardStateTP
Put some teeth into this level by overloading the setDensity() function. It should now throw an exception. Instead, setPressure routines should calculate the solution density and then call State:setDensity() directly.