This documentation is for an old version of Cantera. You can find docs for newer versions here.
This example solves a plug flow reactor problem, where the chemistry is
surface chemistry. The specific problem simulated is the partial oxidation of
methane over a platinum catalyst in a packed bed reactor.
import csv
import cantera as ct
# unit conversion factors to SI
cm = 0.01
minute = 60.0
# Input Parameters
tc = 800.0 # Temperature in Celsius
length = 0.3 * cm # Catalyst bed length
area = 1.0 * cm**2 # Catalyst bed area
cat_area_per_vol = 1000.0 / cm # Catalyst particle surface area per unit volume
velocity = 40.0 * cm / minute # gas velocity
porosity = 0.3 # Catalyst bed porosity
# input file containing the surface reaction mechanism
cti_file = 'methane_pox_on_pt.cti'
output_filename = 'surf_pfr_output.csv'
# The PFR will be simulated by a chain of 'NReactors' stirred reactors.
NReactors = 201
dt = 1.0
t = tc + 273.15 # convert to Kelvin
# import the gas model and set the initial conditions
gas = ct.Solution(cti_file, 'gas')
gas.TPX = t, ct.one_atm, 'CH4:1, O2:1.5, AR:0.1'
# import the surface model
surf = ct.Interface(cti_file,'Pt_surf', [gas])
surf.TP = t, ct.one_atm
rlen = length/(NReactors-1)
rvol = area * rlen * porosity
outfile = open(output_filename,'w')
writer = csv.writer(outfile)
writer.writerow(['Distance (mm)', 'T (C)', 'P (atm)'] +
gas.species_names + surf.species_names)
# catalyst area in one reactor
cat_area = cat_area_per_vol * rvol
mass_flow_rate = velocity * gas.density * area
# The plug flow reactor is represented by a linear chain of zero-dimensional
# reactors. The gas at the inlet to the first one has the specified inlet
# composition, and for all others the inlet composition is fixed at the
# composition of the reactor immediately upstream. Since in a PFR model there
# is no diffusion, the upstream reactors are not affected by any downstream
# reactors, and therefore the problem may be solved by simply marching from
# the first to last reactor, integrating each one to steady state.
TDY = gas.TDY
cov = surf.coverages
print(' distance X_CH4 X_H2 X_CO')
for n in range(NReactors):
surf.TP = TDY[0], ct.one_atm
surf.coverages = cov
# create a new reactor
gas.TDY = TDY
r = ct.IdealGasReactor(gas, energy='off')
r.volume = rvol
# create a reservoir to represent the reactor immediately upstream. Note
# that the gas object is set already to the state of the upstream reactor
upstream = ct.Reservoir(gas, name='upstream')
# create a reservoir for the reactor to exhaust into. The composition of
# this reservoir is irrelevant.
downstream = ct.Reservoir(gas, name='downstream')
# use a 'Wall' object to implement the reacting surface in the reactor.
# Since walls have to be installed between two reactors/reserviors, we'll
# install it between the upstream reservoir and the reactor. The area is
# set to the desired catalyst area in the reactor, and surface reactions
# are included only on the side facing the reactor.
w = ct.Wall(upstream, r, A=cat_area, kinetics=[None, surf])
# We need a valve between the reactor and the downstream reservoir. This
# will determine the pressure in the reactor. Set K large enough that the
# pressure difference is very small.
v = ct.Valve(r, downstream, K=1e-4)
# The mass flow rate into the reactor will be fixed by using a
# MassFlowController object.
m = ct.MassFlowController(upstream, r, mdot=mass_flow_rate)
sim = ct.ReactorNet([r])
sim.max_err_test_fails = 12
# set relative and absolute tolerances on the simulation
sim.rtol = 1.0e-9
sim.atol = 1.0e-21
T_start, rho_start, Y_start = r.thermo.TDY
cov_start = surf.coverages
V_start = r.volume
Tu_start, rhou_start, Yu_start = upstream.thermo.TDY
time = 0
all_done = False
while not all_done:
time += dt
# check whether surface coverages are in steady state. This will be
# the case if the creation and destruction rates for a surface (but
# not gas) species are equal.
all_done = True
# Note: netProduction = creation - destruction. By supplying the
# surface object as an argument, only the values for the surface
# species are returned by these methods
sdot = surf.get_net_production_rates(surf)
cdot = surf.get_creation_rates(surf)
ddot = surf.get_destruction_rates(surf)
for ks in range(surf.n_species):
ratio = abs(sdot[ks]/(cdot[ks] + ddot[ks]))
if ratio > 1.0e-9 or time < 10*dt:
all_done = False
# Save the reactor and surface states, in preparation for the simulation
# of the next reactor downstream, where this object will set the inlet
# conditions and the initial surface coverages
TDY = r.thermo.TDY
cov = surf.coverages
dist = n * rlen * 1.0e3 # distance in mm
if not n % 10:
print(' {0:10f} {1:10f} {2:10f} {3:10f}'.format(dist, *gas['CH4','H2','CO'].X))
# write the gas mole fractions and surface coverages vs. distance
writer.writerow([dist, r.T - 273.15, r.thermo.P/ct.one_atm] +
list(gas.X) + list(surf.coverages))
print("Results saved to '{0}'".format(output_filename))