This documentation is for an old version of Cantera. You can find docs for newer versions here.
Before we can describe how to define phases, interfaces, and their components (elements, species, and reactions), we need to go over a few points about the mechanics of writing and processing input files.
An input file consists of entries and directives, both of which have a syntax much like functions. An entry defines an object—for example, a reaction, or a species, or a phase. A directive sets options that affect how the entry parameters are interpreted, such as the default unit system, or how certain errors should be handled.
Cantera’s input files follow the syntax rules for Python, so if you’re familiar with Python syntax you already understand many of the details and can probably skip ahead to Dimensional Values.
Entries have fields that can be assigned values. A species entry is shown below that has fields name and atoms (plus several others):
species(name='C60', atoms='C:60')
Most entries have some fields that are required; these must be assigned values, or else processing of the file will abort and an error message will be printed. Other fields may be optional, and take default values if not assigned.
An entry may be either a top-level entry or an embedded entry. Top-level entries specify a phase, an interface, an element, a species, or a reaction, and begin in the first (leftmost) column. Embedded entries specify a model, or a group of parameters for a top-level entry, and are usually embedded in a field of another entry.
The fields of an entry are specified in the form <field_name> = <value>, and may be listed on one line, or extend across several. For example, two entries for graphite are shown below. The first is compact:
stoichiometric_solid(name='graphite', species='C(gr)', elements='C', density=(2.2, 'g/cm3')))
and the second is formatted to be easier to read:
name = 'graphite',
elements = 'C',
species = 'C(gr)',
density = (2.2, 'g/cm3')
Both are completely equivalent.
The species C(gr) that appears in the definition of the graphite phase is also defined by a top-level entry. If the heat capacity of graphite is approximated as constant, then the following definition could be used:
s0=(5.6, 'J/mol/K'), # NIST
cp0=(8.43, 'J/mol/K'))) # Taylor and Groot (1980)
Note that the thermo field is assigned an embedded entry of type const_cp. Entries are stored as they are encountered when the file is read, and only processed once the end of the file has been reached. Therefore, the order in which they appear is unimportant.
The character # is the comment character. Everything to the right of this character on a line is ignored:
# set the default units
units(length = 'cm', # use centimeters for length
quantity = 'mol') # use moles for quantity
Strings may be enclosed in single quotes or double quotes, but they must match. To create a string containing single quotes, enclose it in double quotes, and vice versa. If you want to create a string to extend over multiple lines, enclose it in triple quotes:
string1 = 'A string.'
string2 = "Also a 'string'"
string3 = """This is
string too."""
The multi-line form is useful when specifying a phase containing a large number of species:
species = """ H2 H O O2 OH H2O HO2 H2O2 C CH
A sequence of multiple items is specified by separating the items by commas and enclosing them in square brackets or parentheses. The individual items can have any type—strings, integers, floating-point numbers (or even entries or other lists). Square brackets are often preferred, since parentheses are also used for other purposes in the input file, but either can be used:
s0 = (3.5, 'J/mol/K') # these are
s0 = [3.5, 'J/mol/K'] # equivalent
Another way to specify the species C(gr) is shown here:
graphite_thermo = const_cp(t0=298.15,
s0=(5.6, 'J/mol/K'), # NIST
cp0=(8.43, 'J/mol/K')) # Taylor and Groot (1980)
species(name='C(gr)', atoms='C:1', thermo=graphite_thermo)
In this form, the const_cp entry is stored in a variable, instead of being directly embedded within the species entry. The thermo field is assigned this variable.
Variables can also be used for any other parameter type. For example, if you are defining several phases in the file, and you want to set them all to the same initial pressure, you could define a pressure variable:
P_initial = (2.0, 'atm')
and then set the pressure field in each embedded state entry to this variable.
Field names may be omitted if the values are entered in the order specified in the entry declaration. (Entry declarations are the text printed on a colored background in the following chapters.) It is also possible to omit only some of the field names, as long as these fields are listed first, in order, before any named fields.
For example, The first four entries below are equivalent, while the last two are incorrect and would generate an error when processed:
element(symbol="Ar", atomic_mass=39.948) # OK
element(atomic_mass=39.948, symbol='Ar') # OK
element('Ar', atomic_mass=39.948) # OK
element("Ar", 39.948) # OK
element(39.948, "Ar") # error
element(symbol="Ar", 39.948) # error
Many fields have numerical values that represent dimensional quantities—a pressure, or a density, for example. If these are entered without specifying the units, the default units (set by the units directive described in Setting the Default Units) will be used. However, it is also possible to specify the units for each individual dimensional quantity (unless stated otherwise). All that is required is to group the value in parentheses or square brackets with a string specifying the units:
pressure = 1.0e5 # default is Pascals
pressure = (1.0, 'bar') # this is equivalent
density = (4.0, 'g/cm3')
density = 4000.0 # kg/m3
Compound unit strings may be used, as long as a few rules are followed:
Examples of compound units:
A = (1.0e20, 'cm6/mol2/s') # OK
h = (6.626e-34, 'J-s') # OK
density = (3.0, 'g/cm3') # OK
A = (1.0e20, 'cm^6/mol/s') # error (^)
A = (1.0e20, 'cm6/mol2-s') # error ('s' should be in denominator)
density = (3.0, 'g-cm-3') # error (negative exponent)
The default unit system may be set with the units() directive. Note that unit conversions are not done until the entire file has been read. Only one units directive should be present in a file, and the defaults it specifies apply to the entire file. If the file does not contain a units directive, the default units are meters, kilograms, kilomoles, and seconds.
Shown below are two equivalent ways of specifying the site density for an interface. In the first version, the site density is specified without a units string, and so its units are constructed from the default units for quantity and length, which are set with a units directive:
units(length = 'cm', quantity = 'molec')
interface(name = 'Si-100',
site_density = 1.0e15, # molecules/cm2 (default units)
The second version uses a different default unit system, but overrides the default units by specifying an explicit units string for the site density:
units(length = 'cm', quantity = 'mol')
interface(name = 'Si-100',
site_density = (1.0e15, 'molec/cm2') # override default units
The second version is equivalent to the first, but would be very different if the units of the site density were not specified!
The length, quantity and time units are used to construct the units for reaction pre-exponential factors. The energy units are used for molar thermodynamic properties, in combination with the units for quantity.
Since activation energies are often specified in units other than those used for thermodynamic properties, a separate field is devoted to the default units for activation energies:
units(length = 'cm', quantity = 'mol', act_energy = 'kcal/mol')
kf = Arrhenius(A = 1.0e14, b = 0.0, E = 54.0) # E is 54 kcal/mol
See units() for the declaration of the units directive.
Cantera recognizes the following units in various contexts:
field | allowed values |
length | 'cm', 'm', 'mm' |
quantity | 'mol', 'kmol', 'molec' |
time | 's', 'min', 'hr', 'ms' |
energy | 'J', 'kJ', 'cal', 'kcal' |
act_energy | 'kJ/mol', 'J/mol', 'J/kmol', 'kcal/mol', 'cal/mol', 'eV', 'K' |
pressure | 'Pa', 'atm', 'bar' |
From the point of view of the user, it appears that a Cantera application that imports a phase definition reads the input file, and uses the information there to construct the object representing the phase or interface in the application. While this is the net effect, it is actually a two-step process. When a function like importPhase is called to import a phase definition from a file, a preprocessor runs automatically to read the input file and create a data file that contains the same information but in an XML-based format called CTML. After the preprocessor finishes, Cantera imports the phase definition from the CTML data file.
The CTML file is saved in the same directory as the input file, and has the same name but with the extension changed to .xml. If the input file has the name propane.cti, for example, then the CTML file will be placed in the same directory with name propane.xml. If you like, once the CTML file has been created, you can specify it rather than the .cti input file in calls to importPhase (or similar functions). This is slightly faster, since the preprocessing step can be skipped. It also allows Cantera simulations to be run on systems that do not have Python, which Cantera uses in the preprocessing step but does not require to read CTML files.
Why two file formats? There are several reasons. XML is a widely-used standard for data files, and it is designed to be relatively easy to parse. This makes it possible for other applications to use Cantera CTML data files, without requiring the substantial chemical knowledge that would be required to use .cti files. For example, “web services” (small applications that run remotely over a network) are often designed to accept XML input data over the network, perform a calculation, and send the output in XML back across the network. Supporting an XML-based data file format facilitates using Cantera in web services or other network computing applications.
The difference between the high-level description in a .cti input file and the lower-level description in the CTML file may be illustrated by how reactions are handled. In the input file, the reaction stoichiometry and its reversibility or irreversibility are determined from the reaction equation. For example:
O + HCCO <=> H + 2 CO
specifies a reversible reaction between an oxygen atom and the ketenyl radical HCCO to produce one hydrogen atom and two carbon monoxide molecules. If <=> were replaced with =>, then it would specify that the reaction should be treated as irreversible.
Of course, this convention is not spelled out in the input file—the parser simply has to know it, and has to also know that a “reactant” appears on the left side of the equation, a “product” on the right, that the optional number in front of a species name is its stoichiometric coefficient (but if missing the value is one), etc. The preprocessor does know all this, but we cannot expect the same level of knowledge of chemical conventions by a generic XML parser.
Therefore, in the CTML file, reactions are explicitly specified to be reversible or irreversible, and the reactants and products are explicitly listed with their stoichiometric coefficients. The XML file is, in a sense, a “dumbed-down” version of the input file, spelling out explicitly things that are only implied in the input file syntax, so that “dumb” (i.e., easy to write) parsers can be used to read the data with minimal risk of misinterpretation.
The reaction definition:
reaction( "O + HCCO <=> H + 2 CO", [1.00000E+14, 0, 0])
in the input file is translated by the preprocessor to the following CTML text:
<reaction id="0028" reversible="yes">
<equation>O + HCCO [=] H + 2 CO</equation>
<A units="cm3/mol/s"> 1.000000E+14</A>
<E units="cal/mol">0.000000</E>
<reactants>HCCO:1 O:1</reactants>
<products>H:1 CO:2</products>
The CTML version is much more verbose, and would be much more tedious to write by hand, but is much easier to parse, particularly since it is not necessary to write a custom parser—virtually any standard XML parser, of which there are many, can be used to read the CTML data.
So in general files that are easy for knowledgable users (you) to write are more difficult for machines to parse, because they make use of high-level application-specific knowledge and conventions to simplify the notation. Conversely, files that are designed to be easily parsed are tedious to write because so much has to be spelled out explicitly. A natural solution is to use two formats, one designed for writing by humans, the other for reading by machines, and provide a preprocessor to convert the human-friendly format to the machine-friendly one.
If you are interested in seeing the internals of how the preprocessing works, take a look at file ctml_writer.py in the Cantera Python package. Or simply start Python, and type:
>>> import ctml_writer
>>> help(ctml_writer)
The ctml_writer.py module can also be run as a script to convert input .cti files to CTML. For example, if you have an input file phasedefs.cti, then simply type at the command line:
python ctml_writer.py phasedefs.cti
to create CTML file phasedefs.xml.
Of course, most of the time creation of the CTML file will happen behind the scenes, and you will not need to be concerned with CTML files at all.
During processing of an input file, errors may be encountered. These could be syntax errors, or could be ones that are flagged as errors by Cantera due to some apparent inconsistency in the data—an unphysical value, a species that contains an undeclared element, a reaction that contains an undeclared species, missing species or element definitions, multiple definitions of elements, species, or reactions, and so on.
Syntax errors are caught by the Python preprocessor, not by Cantera, and must be corrected before proceeding further. Python prints a “traceback” that allows you to find the line that contains the error. For example, consider the following input file, which is intended to create a gas with the species and reactions of GRI-Mech 3.0, but has a misspelled the field name reactions:
ideal_gas(name = 'gas',
elements = 'H O',
species = 'gri30: all',
reactionss = 'gri30: all')
When this definition is imported into an application, an error message like the following would be printed to the screen, and execution of the program or script would terminate.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/some/path/Cantera/importFromFile.py", line 18, in importPhase
return importPhases(file, [name], loglevel, debug)[0]
File "/some/path/Cantera/importFromFile.py", line 25, in importPhases
File "/some/path/solution.py", line 39, in __init__
preprocess = 1, debug = debug)
File "/some/path/Cantera/XML.py", line 35, in __init__
self._xml_id = _cantera.xml_get_XML_File(src, debug)
Cantera Error!
Procedure: ct2ctml
Error: Error converting input file "./gas.cti" to CTML.
Python command was: '/usr/bin/python'
The exit code was: 4
-------------- start of converter log --------------
TypeError on line 4 of './gas.cti':
__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'reactionss'
| Line |
| 1 | ideal_gas(name = 'gas',
| 2 | elements = 'H O',
| 3 | species = 'gri30: all',
> 4 > reactionss = 'gri30: all')
| 5 |
--------------- end of converter log ---------------
The top part of the error message shows the chain of functions that were called before the error was encountered. For the most part, these are internal Cantera functions not of direct concern here. The relevant part of this error message is the part starting with the “Cantera Error” heading, and specifically the contents of the converter log section. This message says that that on line 4 of gas.cti, the the keyword argument reactionss was not recognized. Seeing this message, it is clear that the problem is that reactions is misspelled.
Now let’s consider the other class of errors—ones that Cantera, not Python, detects. Continuing the example above, suppose that the misspelling is corrected, and the input file processed again. Again an error message results, but this time it is from Cantera:
Procedure: installSpecies
Error: species C contains undeclared element C
The problem is that the phase definition specifies that all species are to be imported from dataset gri30, but only the elements H and O are declared. The gri30 datset contains species composed of the elements H, O, C, N, and Ar. If the definition is modified to declare these additional elements:
ideal_gas(name = 'gas',
elements = 'H O C N Ar',
species = 'gri30: all',
reactions = 'gri30: all')
it may be imported successfully.
Errors of this type do not have to be fatal, as long as you tell Cantera how you want to handle them. You can, for example, instruct Cantera to quitely skip importing any species that contain undeclared elements, instead of flagging them as errors. You can also specify that reactions containing undeclared species (also usually an error) should be skipped. This allows you to very easily extract a portion of a large reaction mechanism, as described in Special Processing Options.